Chapter 27

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Leo's knuckles were white, his hands stiff from clenching the steering wheel. The trip through the northern suburbs was proving to be almost as harrowing as the last image he had of Zoe trembling with a flushed face, excited, shy and wary. He blinked to clear the picture from his mind.

He should be concentrating, driving in a foreign city was bad enough with a clear head, and the heavy peak hour traffic didn't help the situation. He'd already made two wrong turns on the unfamiliar streets as he tried to find his way to the harbour tunnel. The result being, he now had to cross the iconic bridge. Its metallic angles and curvaceous charms passed by unappreciated as he drove into more city traffic. When he pulled up at a set of lights, he turned on his GPS navigator setting it for his Point Piper address chiding himself for not doing it earlier. The sooner he arrived home, the better. He needed to sort out what his next move would be but feared there was nothing he could do till Zoe made hers.

Shame had been his constant companion since he learnt the truth. He cringed every time he recalled the ugly words he'd flung at her when convinced of her deception. He had intended to devastate and he'd succeeded. His pain had been reflected in her expression.

He couldn't help comparing his reaction to her perceived betrayal against the unwavering belief she'd had in him when presented with misleading information. She'd had every reason to doubt him, but she didn't. He couldn't forgive himself, how could he ask it of her now.

He didn't blame her for leaving Greece, wouldn't blame her for permanently shunning his family, after all, they had deprived her of growing up with her father. There was no doubt in his mind that Costas would have been there for her. Hell, he was having trouble exculpating them, how could he expect it of Zoe. Most likely, she would be occupied for a while just getting to know Costas, which was only right. With a heavy heart, he pulled into the drive of his father's harbourside mansion.

Zoe was out the house down on the dock, unmooring their speed boat before her father could ask "Well Costas, where should I start?"

It was a rough trip across the heads, the southerly swell invading the harbour seemed enormous when experienced from sea level. It required concentration and skill to negotiate the waves, but it didn't keep her mind off Leo. Did he still want a relationship with her? She really wasn't sure, but she had to thank him, make him see she held no grudge against him or his family, after all, to do so would be fruitless and soul destroying.

In less than fifteen minutes, she was pulling into the dock below the magnificent white mansion. She jumped off the boat and tied the lines before looking up at the house just as Leo appeared on the terrace. With a deep breath and less than steady legs, she made her way up the steps. Her confidence was pulverised by the realisation that she couldn't anticipate his reaction, and that was because she didn't know him. How was it possible to be irrepressibly convinced that he was the love of her life and yet know so little about him. The same applied to him of course. His expression was grim as he stood motionless arms crossed above his chest watching her ascent. So much so, she wondered if she'd done the right thing.

Leo was astounded to see Zoe securing her boat. She had to have traversed the harbour entrance where the wild ocean waves swarmed in. He cursed as his heart rate doubled at that thought. Why had she come, when he'd imagined she'd only want to be with Costas? Was it because she'd had time to absorb what a precious thing it was his family had denied her? Had she come to admonish him, them? He knew that they deserved it, and prepared himself for a verbal attack.

"What are you doing here Zoe?" That had come out far harsher than he would have liked. He noticed her flinch as her arms came up and wrapped around her waist. She was trembling or shivering, was she apprehensive or just cold, but then he saw defiance enter her eyes.

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