The Akatsuki

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So yeah, as you can tell Hidan might be OC'd just a bit >-< I'm trying my best not too but yeaahhh... It's hard to get any character right besides your own!

Highly suggest you watch the video to the side =3=

Also to the side is a picture I created of the main character who so far is nameless! You might be able (you really can .-.) tell that I did not finish it ^-^" eheh. I'll get to it.. Maybe .-.

So yeah... Enjoy!~ ^0^


I followed behind the intimidating Hidan, each step he took you could see the irritation grow on his face. " Don't you have any fucking ninja skills!?" He finally spat out at me. I shook my head, somehow managing to hold his gaze. " Unbelievable." He scoffed. " Didn't your parents teach you shit?" I shook my head again, answering a no. He stopped walking, roughly grabbing me by my arm. " That's it. I'm done with this walking shit." 

In a matter of no time smoke enveloped us and then poofed around us, revealing a huge cavern in front of our sights. A giant boulder blocking the way of what seemed to be an entrance. My eyes widen at all of this, including towards Hidan. How did he do that? Was it a jutsu? He quirked an eyebrow at my surprise. " Haven't you ever seen a jutsu?" I shrugged my shoulders. " N-Not really." He looked like he had more to question but left it be. Hidan walked up to the boulder, a small yawn escaping his lips as he knocked on it. " Hey Leader, let me back in." It was presented like a question but sounded as a demand.

I looked around, still back a couple steps from when we first poofed here. How strange. For years, or months, or... I forget exactly how time goes, but since what felt like forever, I suddenly have a place, maybe not to call home, yet it's still a place that I can be in. After all, for as long as I can remember I've been on the streets. I think-... I think my first memory was of when I was six? I was left behind by someone. Someone important? I don't remember... Since then, I've just wandered town to town. Alone. I looked down to my Jashinist necklace, touching it lightly. No, not completely alone.

" Get your ass over here, let's go!!" Hidan called, making me look up. The boulder was out a few feet, enough for someone to walk in. I jogged over to the other Jashinist, following him in. The first thing in sight was a very large, strange statue. I examined from behind Hidan, feeling smaller than usual with the giant statue in sight. Upon what appeared to be a hand from the statue was a man. His outline was dark from the shadows of the cave but his bright orange hair was still noticeable. " This is the girl?" The man spoke with a deep voice, making me hide myself fully behind Hidan. " Yeah, this is her." Hidan replied in a gruff tone, still unhappy it seemed. " Remember Hidan, she is your responsibility. If she dies, that is not-" Hidan let out a small laugh, interrupting the man. " Ah, no fucking worries about that Leader. Trust me, I got this shit." 

The 'Leader' didn't look too convinced yet nodded at Hidan anyway. " If she has any use to the Akatsuki, then we will see fit to use her." He added on. Hidan shrugged his arms, motioning all around carelessly. " Whatever." His arms went back to his sides and he walked on, leading us to darkened hallways. 

Akatsuki? What is that? I felt tempted to ask, however, I decided not. Hidan continued to lead until we reached a room at the end of one of the hallways. He opened the door and I followed him in, letting him close to the door behind me. " Alright well, I'm fucking tired, you can just sleep..." He looked around, with a raised eyebrow. Finally he gave up on a spot, just motioning around the small, empty room. " Just a find a damn spot." He mumbled, walking over to a single bed and plopping down.

The room was dark, as there was no candle lit. Saying that I had often walked in the night though, it wasn't too hard to make my way through the room. I looked around, seeing torn cloaks in the one corner. A small dresser across from it, in the middle of the wall. Hidan's bed and a small table next to the bed in another corner, up from the torn clothes. The door from the room, when it was opened would hit the corner down from Hidan's bed. So my only option left is... I turned to the corner, down from the dresser and sat in it. 

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