Chapter Two

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I just wanted to apologies for the delay in updating. I've been really busy and unmotivated these past couple of weeks. Hopefully I can get back into the groove of writing.

Hope you enjoy and if you do, don't forget to comment and vote. :)

Colin quickly ate his dinner, not wanting to encounter his father when he arrived from work. He knew the women that spotted him and Matt earlier would tell his father and he knew what would await him if his father did see him.

But Colin wasn't fast enough. He heard the front door slam open followed by heavy footsteps heading towards the kitchen.

"I thought I told you to stay away from that damn boy Matt!" His father yelled as he entered the kitchen.

Colin quickly stood up and hurried to the kitchen's back door but he wasn't fast enough.


Colin met up with Matt in the forest on the outskirts of town the next day. They would always come here when they wanted to escape and today Colin wanted nothing more than to escape.

He hoped to hide the bruise that was forming around his eye because he didn't want to worry Matt but he spotted it in anyways. Matt lightly touched around his eye. Colin flinched at his touch. He didn't realise how much it hurt.

"Was it your dad?" Matt asked.

Colin just nodded. He didn't want their lives to always be like this. "I can't do this anymore Matt."

"I know but we can get through this together. You and me." Matt rested his forehead against his.

He closed his eyes. "Let's get out of here Matt. Let's leave this town."

They had talked about leaving in the past but Matt's mother passed away just before they came out. He was still in mourning. He couldn't just pack and up leave his mother's hometown. There were too many memories here for him that he didn't want to let go and Colin understood that.

"You know I want to Colin but we have no money. Where would we go?"

"Anywhere than here is better."

"I'm not sure if sleeping on the side of the road is better."

He knew they would be ok out there. It would be better than staying here in town but he didn't tell Matt that.

"We should go. We've been gone long enough," He got up and extended his hands down to help Matt up.

"Ok," Matt whispered.

He said his goodbye to Matt and they parted their own way back home only Colin didn't go back home right away. He needed to clear his mind. He knew if he went home now, his father would be waiting for him.

Colin wanted nothing more than to leave this town with Matt. He wanted a life where they could be together without fear or judgement. He wanted a happy life where they could just be teenagers and do foolish things.

Colin's eyes began to swell with tears because it would seem a life like that wasn't going to happen. He made his way home, hoping that his parents were asleep when he got home.


Colin had been eying that medicine cabinet in the kitchen far too many times than he'd care to admit and he knew he shouldn't but at times, he couldn't help but think about taking the easier route than to deal with everything going on in his life.

But that wasn't fair to him, nor to the one person that actually cared for him. That person being Matt. But Colin had to do one thing he knew he had to do to keep his sanity. It would hurt Matt with no doubt but it would hurt less if had gone to that medicine cabinet. So Colin grabbed whatever belongings he had and threw them into his pack back.

Before he left, he pulled out some pen and paper and wrote his goodbye to Matt. He couldn't say goodbye to Matt in person. If he were to, he knew he wouldn't be able to leave and he needed to leave now. He knew it would be better for them, well that's what he kept telling himself. He would come back for Matt when he had a better life outside this town.


I'm sorry. I can't deal with all of this. The way people treat us. The way people look at us. I understand why you can't leave but this all has become too much for me, too much for my sanity. I'm scared that if I don't leave, I might do something I'll deeply regret.

I've taken the little money I have and whatever belongings I have and left this God forsaken town. I'm hoping that whatever I find outside of this town will be better. I know I'm selfish and I'm sorry for being so.


He slung his pack back over his shoulder and placed the letter in the one place he knew Matt would find it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2016 ⏰

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