Chapter 10

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I see Rosette as she ran out of the class as the bell rings. What the hell? Does she really hate me that much? What do I have to do to prove to her that I like her? I wander around the school grounds just to see if I can find her anywhere. After about 10 minutes I decide to give up. I was about to walk out to my car to leave school when I see a familiar brunette down the hall. Rosette was opening up her locker. I see that she pulls something out and quickly walks down the hall. What does she have in her hands? Since I was curious, I decided to follow her. She began walking up the stairs. She doesn't stop until she gets to the top and opens the door to the balcony. I wait behind the door not sure what to do. Then I hear her speak.

"I love you, Greyson," she breathes. It was just a little louder than a whisper. What?! I could hear my heart drop as I heard those four little words. She loves Greyson?! My best friend?! I started to clench my fists when I felt my blood begin to boil. No way in hell! He can't have her! Without thinking, I come through the door and slam the door shut as hard as I could. After that everything became black.


I started to get nervous from the way he was looking at me. He looked deranged like he wasn't himself. Why is he looking at me that way? Did he hear what I said? Why would he be upset from that? Maybe if I act normal he will come to his senses.

"Hey, Duke. What brings you here?" I say trying to lighten the mood. He just stares at me without saying a word. I clear my throat. " Well, it's getting late so I'm gonna head home. See you tomorrow Duke." I was opening  the door when Duke slams it shut again. My breathing hitches when I see that he has me pinned against the door. He brings his face down to my level and his facial expression seemed to get angrier. 

"Why...Why do you love him?! I put myself out there and you made me look like a fool!" He punches the door which makes me scream. 

"Leave me alone!" I scream and push him away. I managed to open the door again and run through it. I tried running down the stairs as fast as I could but I ended up losing my footing on the first flight of stairs and my hands planted down on the cold marble floor. I look back to see that he was right behind me. "No! stay away!" I scream as I throw my fist at him but he catches my wrist. He then pushes me against the wall. 

"Why...Why don't you love me?" he whispers next to my ear. He then puts both of his hands on either side of my face. Before I could say anything, his lips were on mine. He started to invade my mouth with his tongue and I couldn't stop it. I started to punch him in the chest but he was too strong. He grabbed both of my wrists to make me stop. He pulls away for air which gives me time to say something. 

"Duke, please stop!"  He doesn't listen to me and starts to kiss my bare neck. He stops at one spot and starts to suck. I couldn't help but let out a small moan. No! I'm not supposed to be enjoying this! With all of my strength, I try to push him off of me. Suddenly, I hear something rip. He has a hold of my shirt. He held on so tight that it ripped. Oh No. He looked down at my chest because now part of my bra was showing. He then starts to kiss my chest that was now showing. Oh God. No. this has to stop. please. I could feel the tears come down my face.

"Duke, please don't," I choke out, the tears beginning to descend like a waterfall. Duke finally looks up at me. His eye grew wide in realization of what he had just done. It was like he had been under a spell and I just broke it. He finally lets me go and I slide to the ground against the wall. I start to cry harder. How could he do this to me? Suddenly, I felt something over my shoulders. It was Greyson's jacket. Duke had put it around me. He then sits down next to me. He presses his lips against my forehead.

"I'm sorry, Rosette." That's all he says for the rest of the time. He sits there quietly until I am done crying.


I run straight upstairs as soon as I get home. I couldn't let my parents see me like this. I take off my torn shirt and put on a new one. I walk into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I replayed back what had just happened a little bit ago while it was still fresh in my mind. My wrists were red from when he pinned me and held on too tight. I touched my lip because they were still a little swollen from when he kissed me. And I could see a hickey starting to form from where he sucked on my neck. I blushed at the thought from back when I moaned. Snap out of it Rosette! You didn't actually like him doing that to you. Did you?  But he was so gentle afterward...I could tell he regretted it. No...I can't forgive him. I won't.

Author Note:

Sorry about the Almost rape scene guys. I have been dying to do this chapter for a while now. This is probably one of the most intense chapters of all of them. But I just had to do it! I'll be updating the next chapter soon. :)

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