Chapter 2

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Eddi Reader - Bell, Book and Candle

Sarah Mclachlan - Mercy


Danday, 4 Gabrianym, 1007 KR

While Ceph prepped for the day, Rye wandered. Gazed at the altar. Pored over the wine selection. Taunted the crow. Watched Ceph.

Losday, 5 Gabrianym, 1007 KR

The mood wasn't dark at the Stop. Just—contemplative. There were unspoken words in the air, but they never smothered like the mists outside.

Brenday, 6 Gabrianym, 1007 KR

Ceph heard feet, and put on a smile for Old Tom.

"Working already?"

"Bar doesn't clean itself."

"Make the bird do it. Have a drink with me."

Byrday, 7 Gabrianym, 1007 KR

A man had hanged himself in room 4.

"Coward." Ceph cut him down.

The crow cocked its head.

"I'll judge if I want to," Ceph shot back. He liked when they passed in the night, peaceful. Like they'd been led here. Not like they'd sought it out, eager before their time.

Lorday, 8 Gabrianym, 1007 KR

"One of these days, I'm moving next door," said the mortician. "I would save a lot of time."

Uunday, 9 Gabrianym, 1007 KR

Old Tom's laugh was a throaty affair. "Kid, you got a great life ahead of you."

"You kidding?" Ceph grinned. "With my luck, I'll be dead before you are."

Sunday, 10 Gabrianym, 1007 KR

"What do you do all day?"

"I run a bar, Rye."

"I mean, for fun."

"You think it's not fun? You've never seen a drunk feyling."

Danday, 11 Gabrianym, 1007 KR

"Everyone wants Trysm copper; Angor can't compete!"

Ceph frowned. Knew better. Images of the mine, rock, darkness—he snuck himself a drink.

Losday, 12 Gabrianym, 1007 KR

"You've never gotten laid?" the merchant asked.

"Nope," Ceph said, then added innocently, "wait, does the bird count?"

Brenday, 13 Gabrianym, 1007 KR

Sometimes, neither of them would talk all morning, as Ceph prepared the bar. Ceph needed Rye's silence as much as he needed the bar's noise.

Byrday, 14 Gabrianym, 1007 KR

"You need another drink," Ceph said.

The man shook his head. "No money."

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