526 11 90

Okay Ladies and Gents,

That makes an even dozen!!!

I don't have to tell you that the competition is FIERCE! All our contestants are Grade A so bring your A-Game.


Prompt will be a line from a song, movie, literature, or political speech.

It must be the first line of your entry, though your entry may be any genre of your choosing.

Entries will be given four days to complete (seeing as we are all adults with adult jobs, if more days are needed then pm @nikayaya and we will oblige)

Entries must be more than 500 words and must remain under 2k

PM the link of your story when completed

The two lowest scores will be eliminated each round till 2 are left, at which time a stand off will occur! *Cue the good, the bad and the ugly theme*


You will grade each entry on a rate of 1-5

1 being the lowest and 5 being fantastic

All righty! Here we go.

1ST PROMPT: "No one should be alone in their old age, he thought."

Source: Ernest Hemingway, The old man and the sea

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