Judges Choice results

127 8 30

And then there were two.....

this round found us short one very talented lady and unfortunately bidding farewell to one of our wonderful, and favorite male writers.

so to one of the most wonderful mom's

Jess @xxButterflyKisses

and hands down the hardest producing writers on wattpad

Dan @AngusEcrivain

This is where we gas up your hoverround, hand you your SS checks, and bid you farewell. We ask that you leave a self-addressed envelope at the front door so that we may invite you to the next go around and all parties henceforth.



we have cranked up the Sinatra and locked the doors in the rec room in preparation for the next round.

The next round is the epitome of what we as writers must accomplish at some point in our career.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write a pitch for a book you have yet to write.

The pitch must not exceed 500 words, it must be professional, and it must be so engaging that the judges beg to read your work.

Include personal description explaining why we as publishers should select your work.

oh and it's due by next wednesday (Deadline people's)

This is the final step, the one needed to grasp that golden ring. The one that will decide who is the most versatile and best general fiction writer on wattpad!

*for legal reasons I must note that this idea was ripped off directly from the great mind of @FrakKevin. I stole it, am using it, and reserve the right to borrow other great idea's from the people I like. so there... NYAH***

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