Chapter Thirty, Game of Love

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Chapter Thirty

LATER THAT EVENING, they lay in bed listening to the street noises filter in from the slightly open window.

"Tell me about the guy," Dex said.

Ellie closed her eyes. She didn't want to talk about him. She wanted to lie there soaking up Dex's warmth, listen to him breathe, and think about her first day of work. But she'd made a promise and she intended to keep it.

"His name is Bruce."

"Bruce. I kinda like asshole better." Dex pulled her closer.

Ellie rested her head on his chest as she spoke. "I already told you how I found out about his wife, but, Dex, there's more." She felt his body stiffen. "That night when I found out about his wife, he was pretty mad." She closed her eyes, felt his hand settle on her back. She fisted her hands beneath the covers, hoping Dex wouldn't go flying from the bed in anger. "He...he grabbed my arm."

His hand pressed down on her back.

"And...and he slammed me against a wall." She clenched her eyes shut, listening to Dex's heart beat faster against her cheek. He didn't say a word. He didn't move. And the silence scared the shit out of her. She turned to face him, and his eyes were closed, his jaw clenched tight. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you when you first asked, but I couldn't. I hate being a victim, or seeming like one, and I thought he'd go away and I'd never have to think about him again, but I made you a promise last night, and I'm keeping that promise."

He opened his eyes and pulled her up so they were eye to eye. "Now can I kill him?" His voice was dead serious. He stroked her hair and cupped the back of her head, drawing her cheek to his. "I'm so sorry, baby." He kissed her cheek and held her there.

"Are you mad at me for not telling you?" She didn't want to hear the answer, but she needed to ask.

"I'm mad at him for doing it. I wish you would have told me sooner, but I'm not mad at you for not telling me. We're past that." He kissed her cheek again. "I'm trusting that you'll tell me things when you're ready. That's all I can really do."

"Thank you."

"I think we should go to the police. He knows you're here. He saw you when you were in the Village. Ellie, that's stalker behavior."

"Can't we just see if it stops? Please? When he saw me in the Village, he didn't follow me. He travels all the time, or at least that's what he told me, so maybe he's not following me."


She recognized the you're-doing-the-wrong-thing-but-I-won't-fight-with-you tone. "I'm starting a new job tomorrow. You're releasing your game next week. Can't we just have a little time without any craziness? Please? If he shows up anywhere, we'll go to the police."

"I'm really not comfortable with this, Ellie. How do you know he won't try to hurt you again? He's a scorned man who probably has a pissed-off wife."

"I was in Maryland for almost three weeks before moving here. If he wanted to take revenge, don't you think he would have done it then?" He'd called and texted relentlessly when she was in Maryland, but he'd never pursued seeing her. She had to believe that his being in New York was a coincidence. Otherwise, wouldn't he have approached me when he saw me at the thrift shop?

"Damn it, Ellie. I'm not going to argue with you, but I don't like it one bit. Promise me that if he contacts you again, text, in person, anything, that we'll file a report."


He leaned over her. "You mean it?"

"Yes. Fine." She popped her head off the mattress and kissed him. "Promise, and you have to admit, I'm getting better at this whole honesty thing. Like telling you that you are incredibly handsome and I'd like to make love to you again."

He leaned his forehead against hers. "You're the most frustrating woman I've ever known." He lowered his lips to hers.

Game of Love (The Remingtons, Book One: Love in Bloom Series)Where stories live. Discover now