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I know I know. You probably got excited about an update but this is not a chapter :( Unfortunately. I will most likely update on Friday though!! Whoop Whoop! That's good news, right?

Anyhow this update is for The Mafia and His Angel Trailer. One of my readers made this amazing trailer for TMAHA and I love it.

Here it is guys!

I want to thank ALittleNonsense for this. It's pretty awesome! And I love it.

Just a little note, Ayla is not married. She is engaged to Alberto.

Now, if someone else wants to make trailers or edits for TMAHA, you are most welcome to send them to me. I love seeing my readers loving on Ayla and Alessio.

With that said, I want to make some things clear.

Some of you noticed that Alessio's name sounds Italian and it is. When I was researching names, I messed it up and ended up putting Alessio in the Russian names. And when I realized my mistake it was too late. First because, I already posted two chapters and second, I was already irrecoverably in love with that name. As soon as I saw the name, I just knew it had to be the name of my main guy. There was no way I was changing it. Alessio is well Alessio to me.

Do you guys have any questions about TMAHA? Maybe something that you are confuse about? You can treat this as a Q/A session. You can ask something about me too. Go ahead, fire up your questions. And I will try to answer as best I can.

Note: No spoiler questions please. For example, will this book be a happy ending? Emm.. My answer would be: *shrugs* I don't know. (I actually know but won't say it obviously lol) ;)


The Mafia And His Angel (Tainted Hearts, #1,2&3) (PREVIEW ONLY)Where stories live. Discover now