Just having fun

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Copyright @ 2016 By Shelbsters15. All rights reserved.


Hello precious fans, it's me again! I'm back! :DD

For all you haters out there, no i did not die, no I did not forget you, I just got married, and I've been working two jobs.

Soooooo... I will be updating as much as I can between working, and spending time with my husband.

(I also do not have a computer, so I will be doing all of this on a tablet)

I hope that you all forgive me! :( two years is a very long time! I missed you all!

So pleeeease lime this chapter, comment and tell me what you think :)

Thank you! -Shelby <3


One thing that I used to love about bonfires, was snuggling up to my boyfriend at the time. I loved being cold just so he would wrap his arms around my body. It was the most wonderful thing that was part about bonfires.

Tonight it sucks.

I'm sitting by myself right now alone with no one to talk to. How fun.

I am just sitting here on a lawn chair, with a Pepsi in my hand, watching all these other people talking, laughing, holding hands, taking selfies.... And none of these people are even looking at me... I mean, every once in a while, I get a strange look... Or a small smile... Especially from these strange looking girls. Although there was this one guy that nodded his head at me.

I haven't even seen Jared. Haven't heard from him. Nothin'.


I look up and see a girl that I don't recognize. I give her a strange look, hoping that its not too dark to see me.

"It's Cathy remember? The girl who helped you the other day?"

My mind flashes back to yesterday day and I mentally groan. Do all the crazies follow me?

I look helplessly around trying to spot Jared again, but nothing. Wait... Jared is a crazy too... Why am I looking for him to come help me?

"I was just wondering...." she starts, bringing me back into reality. "If you wanted to sit with me and my friends?" She cocks her head at me like a puppy.

I blink.

One: her voice is so annoying, she starting to give me a headache.
Two:if her friends are anything like her, why would I want to be around that?
Three: I don't even know her, why would I go with her? She could be a stalker or murder.

I shiver just thinking about it.

"Are you cold? We got blankets over there." she points to where her friends are but I don't turn my head to look. "You look lonely sitting here by yourself."

I like sitting here by myself, thank you very much!

But in the back of my head I could hear Mrs Blooms speaking 'How was the bonfire? Did you make any friends? Did you let yourself get out any?' and I cringed inwardly, but outwardly, I plastered on the biggest fake smile, stood up, and pointed to let her know I was going to go with her.

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