Phone Call

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Copyright @ 2016 By Shelbsters15. All rights reserved.


'Ello there people! I'm Soooo happy that I got a chance to update! I didn't think I was ever going to get to because I am having horrible writers block since I haven't wrote this book in so long, someone I was very close to passed away, and.... It's just been a week. :(

So.... I hope all of you enjoy this! Please comment and let me know!

-Shelby (:


"How could you do that?"

I look down at the piece of paper that he gave me and sag my shoulders.

Do what? I write

"You know what. Get drunk. Especially on a night where I had things planned for us!"


What kind of plans? I write really sloppily.

Jared sighs and stands up from the chair he was sitting on. I slept for about three more hours before I woke up to a room where there wasn't anyone but me in it. There isn't a clock, but there's a window, and it looks dark outside, so I know I've been in here for a while now.

What I don't understand is why my Aunt and Uncle aren't forcing me home... Especially since Uncle Frank told me I had to be back at eleven thirty and I got really drunk and probably messed up everything. I'm surprised I actually am alive and they haven't killed me yet.

"Believe it or not, I actually think you're pretty. I don't know you yet, but I'm trying to get to know you, and you won't let me. I am not a bad person... Those people? They were the bad people. They got you drunk purposely! " His eyes look so sad, and I'm not even caring he didn't answer my question.

He sits back down and looks away from me. "They didn't want anything more but to make fun of you. If it weren't for me... One of those creeps were going to take advantage of you. I heard them talking about you as I was walking up to talk to you."

My heart stops beating. I can't believe this one guy did all this for me... He saved me. Me.

But why?

I squeeze my eyes shut as teaks leak from them. Who am I anymore?

I feel something land on my lap, and I open my eyes and look down to see my jacket. "Your family is here." Jared says. "Text me.. I guess..."

More tears fall and I grip my jacket. Everything is jacked up.


The next day I don't even want to move from the bed. It's Sunday, and I have to go to church because of the deal I made my uncle two days ago.

Last night was quite strange. It was quiet on the way to the house, it was quiet when we were inside the house, and all uncle Frank said to me was "Go to bed." My Aunt wasn't even around and Vanessa wasn't in the room.

The house is extremely quiet this morning... No one has even woken me up yet and that's not normal.

I slip on a pair of jeans and hoodie before I slip downstairs. I have a hint that no one is here, but I need to make sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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