Chapter 2

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::Roc pov::

Jessica is different... actually pretty cool and goes through so much... And she's strong... I feel bad that I actually thought it was cool to bully her I was just blinded about how bad my life is... hers is worse... we have a connection .. after that I followed her home and waited for her to come out. She looked fresh and kinda sexy... But nawww lemme shake it off i walked her to the McDonalds were she got a 10 piece nugget w/ Sweet and sour sauce with a large fry and a sweet tea.. I got a big mac, a mcdouble with a medium fry and sprite.... After that we walked back to school when we forgot we werw together and walked in.



We just got so many stares.... I could tell she was uncomfortable ... so I did the unexpected ... I pushed her into the locker

Roc: sorry I'm doing this for u

she nodded... I didn't want to do anything bad... because she's my friend... I love her... not like that like sister brother.. u know

Roc: What y'all staring at??? like me... and herr would actually be together ... haha u thought...

and with that I pushed her into the locker and mouthed 'I'm sorry '

and walked away with my friend... or so they were my friends

Ray: What were u doing with her?

Roc: took her to Mcdonalds.. The bitch gotta eat ( Jess im so so so sorry)

beauty : (we date) Whyy??? I'm your girlfriend... what are you doing with that skank...

Star: ewes Roc..... how could u do even breath with her around

prod: You already got a fine ass girlfriend but you'd rather kick it with a bum.. Downgrade (they laugh)

prince: Roc u nasty man... didn't u look at her she's ugly...

Roc: Look! it wasn't like that... Beauty babygirl you know i love you i wouldn't leave you for her...ever i do have taste you know... It was just McDonalds and you never know when she gon eat again..

EB: laughs

Babydoll: good cuz u. had me for a second...

Roc: guys I have taste.... fr tho..


'boss' called me.....I have to make a run....... Uhhh o well this is the life i have to have.... Maybe i can get out? Hmmm idk...


Boss: Where the hell are you?

Roc: Sorry boss I'm on my way

Boss: you better be... I'd hate to see something happen to you... Or your little girlfriend

How'd he know about bahja?

Roc: Umm yes sir

Boss: She cute... Saw y'all today at the park

What the fuck? That wasn't bahja that was jess.... Wait... Why he at the park

Roc: What were you doing at the park

P.S- Roc and Boss are friends for the most part... Like brothers but if something goes wrong.... Lets just say it gets bloody

Boss: U know.... At the park... What we do... And kids...

Roc: really...

Boss: Hey i need more people.. Like i did you

Roc: Yea....


Roc POV:

(10 years old)

My dad was beating me for 2 hours so i ran all the way to the park... In the rain when a man dressed in black.came to me

???: Hi there... Are you ok?

Roc: No

???: If you need any help just call me (hands a card

Roc) Oook... Thanks

The next time he was beaten by his dad he remembered the man... He went looking for the card and called the man... Who met him at the park... They were best friends... Even tho boss was 5 years older... They had fun soon boss asked him to sell for him and he did... And when is father found out... He was happy... Weird o.0 i know... But he thought he should be working... And its been the same since.

~back to normal~

Roc: Just like old times

Boss: Well I'll see ya later...

Roc: ight

Damn.... Well gotta make that paper..

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