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Lance POV

I wait in the waiting room along with the other who hold Kaley and Emma closet to their hearts, Preston, Bobby, Xander, Wenston, Amber, Kyrin, Sky, Professor, and loads of other students. The only people missing were their families, their parent's who were taken away with Strange, who still controls their minds. All that plays in my mind is the loud gunshot heard across the school, a shot that silenced everything leaving Strange the opportunity to escape.

"I can't take this much longer" Bobby says standing from his seat "I'll be outside" he says turning off and walking out the door. I know how he feels we all do, it's not a feeling we want to feel it's one that comes every now and then, but lately it's been a little too often. I sigh before standing from my seat, I know I'm gonna regret this but oh well I'm gonna do it anyways. I walk through the hospital lobby and out the front door. It takes me awhile to spot Bobby but when I do I give him a light smack to the back. He doesn't budge or show one bit of emotion, he slowly turns his head looking at me for a mere second "Oh you" he says dully looking up at me. "You ok man?" I question his groan answers that question for me, "I'm fine" he simply replies. "Oh alright I was just making sure" I say tucking my fingers into my jean pockets starting back inside the building "Wait, were you trying to comfort me?" Bobby questions emotion etched across his face, "If that's what you wanna call it dude" I answer stopping in place "Well I appreciate it man" he tells me.

"You know Lance I was wrong about you, I never actually thought we'd ever be sitting having a conversation with eachother" Bobby says sitting on top of a picnic table looking off into the distance, "Your alright yourself Drake" I tell him in shock at my response "Drake, I guess it's time to clear the air, I never thought you and I could be friends and I don't know why, but for so many years I've had problems with trust, and anger which hindered my social life, but the only person I've ever cared about is Kaley and she's basically yours, which is why I hated you so much" I pause Bobby is finally looking back at me "I was jealous" I say "And I was wrong, but you treat her perfectly a way I never could and now I respect that, I don't care if your together anymore I just want Kaley in my life, I have to have her somewhere wether she's my girlfriend, my best friend, or just a friend I need her near, she keeps me stable" I say looking up at the moon.

Bobby POV

"You know I'm not even upset about anything you just said, I know Kaley. She has this magnetic personality and everyone just attracts to her, she's an amazing person and I know I can't just keep her to myself, or be selfish. Kaley is like a light she can save us all" I speak starring off into nothingness "I love her" I say a smile appearing on my face, "Don't we all" Lance smirks "Well let's make a pact! Starting now, we'll protect her with our lives we'll never let anything like this happen again" I say standing from the bench facing Lance and meaning every word I speak. I hold out my hang looking in his eyes "Alright man" Lance says smacking my hand pulling me into a quick bro hug.

Kaley POV
My eyes open slowly, my vision isn't reliable everything is blurry. Everything's so bright that it hurts my pupils, my eyelids snap shut as I silently brace myself for the reveal of the world around me. One, two, three. Both my eyes snap open and I shoot up. Where am I ? Never mind I know this place, I usually always end up here. I look around noticing my surroundings I'm in an all white room, white everything. White wall, white tile even my outfit is all white. I'm in the hospital, pain in my stomach is the first  feeling I felt when my eyes opened, it's excruciating, causing my to buckle in my hospital bed. I slowly begin to lift the bottom of my shirt just moving my arms hurt, when the bottom of my shirt is lifted up to my chest I look down to see a thick layer of gauze wrapped around my stomach a blood stain the size of an apple sits right in the center. 

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