Last Christmas

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Six Months Later

I took my keys out of the ignition, releasing a sigh as I stared at the house before me. The butter-cream  colored house stood in stark contrast to the ones surrounding it. It was the only house without any festive decorations-no twinkling lights, not even a decorative wreath.

Under the rays of the setting sun, it looked as if it were abandoned. Not even the white picket fence could make it look like the perfect suburban house. The front yard was in dire need of a trimming, as weeds replaced the space that had once been occupied by beautiful flowers.  The whole house had one vibe and one vibe only; dreary. 

With a great deal of effort I got out of my car and began unloading the trunk filled with groceries. Trudging through the driveway and up the front steps. Unlocking the door I went into the empty house. Turning on the lights, I stood still in the foyer. Closing my eyes, I heard nothing. I had never felt as lonely as I did in that moment.

 Nothing could be heard but my slow breathing. The silence that engulfed me was completely different from the one last year. 

"He's coming guys!" I shouted to everyone who had hidden in various parts of the first floor. Taking in a deep breath, I stood at the door waiting to hear his footsteps. I heard the familiar squeak of the second to last step, indicating that he'd press the bell any second now. Before he could even do that I swung the door open, plastering on a fake worried look.

"Please tell me you remembered everything!" I nervously squeaked. I had given him the longest list of christmas errands I could possibly think of, ranging from useless Christmas gifts to toilet paper. 

"No need to worry, I got everything" He reassured displaying the bags in his hands.

I looked him over once again. His chocolate brown hair had finally grown out since the stopping of the radiation treatments. He no longer looked like the boy I had met when I was 14. The muscles that he was once known for had slipped right off. No longer did he sport the year long tan that people once envied. His bluer than blue eyes didn't quite shine like they used to. Instead they sported a sullen look. 

"Thank you so much, Matt. I've been so busy I couldn't get to it. It wasn't too straining was it?" I asked, realizing that he must've been feeling tired after a whole day of running around town. 

"Nah, I'm fine" He responded. I knew he was lying from the way he twiddled his thumbs. A wave of guilt washed over me. "Hey, babe?" He asked suddenly grabbing my elbow just as I was about to turn. 

I bit my lip out of an unconscious habit. Did he sense that something was up? "Yeah?"

"Is there anything else you want to say?" He asked staring at me intently.

"No..." I drifted off trying my best not to smile. A quick look of hurt passed his eyes, before he masterly masked it. That's the thing I hated, Matt had this ability to hide his emotions, to become stoic. I, on the other hand, was like an open book. 

"You don't remember what day it is?" He asked sadness lacing his voice. I plastered on a frown as I shook my head. His gaze held mine as he waited for any sort of reaction. "Today is December 24th" He added with a small voice sounding like a child. "Doesn't that ring a bell?"

The frown that adorned his face almost made me want to drop the act and jump into his arms. Did he really think I would forget?

Feigning a look of sudden realization I gasped, "Oh!" Matt looked at me with a look of joy, "We have to RSVP for Paris' New Years Eve party! Right?" The joyous expression that Matt momentarily held broke.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2014 ⏰

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