2nd day of the realization of the reason

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Hey guys I've decided not to give a fuck about my haters. It took me a while to gather up strength and post a chapter. So I've gathered up strength and went super saiyan! Like Goku........ fuck Goku I'm Vegeta hell yeah! Sorry goku.
And I'd like to thank you guys for supporting me and telling off my haters and thank you for being my friend if I can call you that. Thanx NINJA/BLACK JACKET WOMAN! For assassinating my haters.

Enjoy *wink wink*

You wait for the rest of guild to come at your allocation , running your hand through your (h/c) hair you think about Sting . Strangely enough he isn't a human you're disgusted of, almost every one you have met has a disgusting scent but not him , to you he meant something more after all Fairytail also had a friend like smell, but that's not possible you haven't met him before have you ? *sniff sniff* this scent .....


Just then a man passed right by you and flashed a smile in a spilt second before vanishing off if I heard correctly "ghost dragon..."
What? .... what was that ? How? Wait I know him isn't he that Deidara guy or something but this scent is just like Sting yet deadly and cold like mine . OUCH! There goes my brain seriously every time I try to think hard my brain hurts I don't even know if it's my amnesia or if natsu's stupidity is contagious.

" (y/n) are you okay? Does your head hurt do you need to sit out of the games? " Mirajane appeared out nowhere like magic......... lol am I good at puns or what.
" No mira im fine. Shouldn't you be going to Laxus " Mira blushed at Laxus' name I smirked "Just make out already jeez how long do I have too wait for little miraxus babies~♡♥"
Mira blushed and started waving her hands in defense " W-W-WHAT! oh come on (y/n)-chan s-stop teasing me!"
I gave off a deadly aura as I gave her a dark and evil chuckle " No way in hell Mira you're not the only match maker BWAHAHAHA!"
" Haha true afterall you are part of the reason why Mira's plans for her OTP is working"
"Huh, oh its you Laxus " Laxus walked next to Mira and put his hand in its rightful position , her waist. "Laxus I know I agreed to keep your guys affair a secret but please don't flirt in front of me I think I'm gonna hurl..."
Laxus let out a laugh
" if I'm gonna flirt with my woman then your the safest place to do it"

"Do it? Oh please get a room"

All of us starting laughing in unison
" Man I love these guys seriously , they made me realize that I don't need to know my past to be who I am ."
Suddenly a piercing pain hit my head , I fell to the ground wincing in pain. " ( y / n ) are you okay? What's wrong " Laxus and Mira came to my aid but I was in too much pain to hear them.

Time skip to the 6th member games~1

I wake up only to find my self in the infirmary, I decide to lay there until the sight of blond hair caused me shoot out bed. "What are you doing? Why are you here ? What's going on? Why are you giving me a perveted glare? Are you gay? Omg are you and emo hair going out?"
"No.... WAIT WHAT! "
"lol calm yo ass and tell me, you can trust me I won't tell anyone. When it comes to my otp Mira is only my sidekick, yes I'm the real matchmaker. Haha do not worry my child I'll go through hell to get you and your love one together! "

Sting pov~

(Y/n) suddenly started throwing questions at me , the first few where actually resonable but I don't how we ended up talking about me being gay. Gosh this girl doe, as crazy as ever lol and this is why I love her ... wait this is my chance...
"Hey (y/n) why do you care?"
"I asked why you care!"
"Woah calm down , I care cause RouSti for life"
"Seriously haven't you been listening I said I ship you and Rouge, Rouge X Sting = RouSti " I think I just suffered a heart attack .Really is the matter really this bad . Does she really think that oml did the Ethrious Removal affect her stupidity aswell as her memory!
" (y/n) Rouge isn't the one love its you! And I know you love me too even though you don't remember I do. We grew up together, took baths together and gazed at the constellations together but that all changed eversince that horrid incident. The truth is that I am your past and I am your present and hopefully your future" I confessed all my feelings into those words, the feelings I've bottled up inside me for 14 years . Tears dared to fall as I lean towards her, slowly closing the gap between our lips. Her eyes show an expression I can't read but it doesn't matter . My lips landed on her soft luscious ones as I deepen the kiss , my right hand cups her left cheek and my left hand travels to who knows where................

Disclaimer: no animals or any living creature whatsoever was hurt during this chapter the only exception is my haters, I'm afraid that they got involved in a certain incident before they got to read the full story and unfortunately they didn't live to critisize about it. Lol thanks J*** and dear reader-chans .

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