Chapter Seven

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Days after Louis' heart skipped those few damn beats, a knock sounded from his room door. He got up off his bed slowly, groaning in the process because it was raining and there was a thunderstorm on its way and the only thing Louis wanted to do was lay still on his bed, alone, in peace.

He opened the door cautiously and almost had a heart attack because the one person that he did not want to see, the one person that could disappear of the face of the Earth and it wouldn't bother Louis, was stood right in front of him.

"Hello Louis," Janet took Louis by surprise, it was possibly the first time she got his name right, "I just came to remind you that you agreed to have an extra session with Anne this afternoon, she told me to tell you to be there half an hour later because she's busy." She had the biggest grimace on her face and her eyes were unreadable for Louis but then again, that might've been because Louis did his hardest to avoid her dangerous glare.

Louis nodded slowly and when Janet began to back away and walk away from Louis' room, he closed the door. Just as the door clicked in to place, a bright and scary light lit up his room, seconds after replaced by a loud bang from the thunder. Louis shuddered and walked over to his closet-because keeping stuff in his suitcase was pointless, or so he made out from his conclusion-and put on a pair of clean sweatpants, a white shirt instead of his black one and picked up his grey beanie off of the floor to cover the messy nest on his hair.

He was supposed to have that meeting with Anne at two in the afternoon, originally at least, but since she pushed it back, Louis still had an hour and a half to spare.

Wanting to waste time, Louis sat on his bed, with his back against the wall, because his bed was a single and it was pushed against a wall, obviously, and looked down at his wrists. He hadn't cut for quite a few days and scars were beginning to form where crimson blood once poured out from. The fingertips of his right hand lightly traced the wounds because even though the weather was simply shit, he had seen Janet (who he didn't hate, oh no, he just wanted her to be fingered by the Wolverine) and he overall hated his life, he didn't feel at all like hurting himself, which was of course a good thing.

One of his fingernails got caught in between one of the wounds and he hissed from the sharp pain. Normally, he would’ve smiled and enjoyed hurting himself like that. But that day, it felt different, Louis had never felt like that or maybe he simply didn't remember the feeling of happiness. Maybe it was supposed to be a good sign?


Wearing nothing too formal, because it was a simple black vest and black joggers, he roamed around the corridors of the institute, his mind filled with everything and nothing, the nothings mainly to do with Harry and the everythings meaning home, Janet and her relationship with the Wolverine.

Louis didn't have an idea, he hadn't even pondered upon it, the idea of Harry being there with Anne. He hoped he was though. Why? Louis didn't know. Although his negative feelings were still there, there was something about that fucker which left Louis' mind dizzy. He had never felt like that before, it was odd but it was exciting.

There was an odd feeling in his stomach that he felt whenever a thought of Harry would illegally pass his mind or when that stupid head full of not-so-curly brown curls appeared around the institute. Louis himself wasn't sure if that's what hate felt like. 

He thought it was wrong; he was supposed to hate everyone and everything to annoy his mum, to get Jay to take him away, but just thinking about it, it was all bearable. Apart from Janet, of course.

After he had walked for what felt like forever, he glanced at a clock on one of the institute's walls, the glass covering the inside of the clock slightly dirty and dusty but all in all, Louis was able to read that the time was twenty-five past two and so he had five minutes to find himself in front of Anne's office.

If Louis had to be honest, he still didn't know his way around the institute entirely and this alone earned a curse slipping from his lips because he really didn't want to be late and look bad in front of Anne, especially not if Harry was going to be there.

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