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A short, slender woman with rich brown skin and wild curls grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the door. If I wasn't hard for Blaze, I'd stay and charm the mini-skirt off this one, but the dragon fire in her feisty brown eyes warned me off.

"I was looking for the men's room."

She jammed her fist on her hip and rolled her eyes. "You're not going to find any urinal cakes in there."

"Uh... okay." Dozens of muscle-bound male bouncers in this place, and they let a pretty, petite woman guard the stripper's dressing room? Big mistake. My good looks and infamous charm got me into all sorts of places forbidden to men. I glanced at her name tag, gave her a smile and watched her melt into a puddle at my feet. "Destiny, baby, I won't tell if you won't."

"What's in it for me?"

I leaned close and gazed into her eyes while winding her shiny curls around my finger. "You just never know." Making an offer irresistible but vague had proven to be the key to getting women to do what I wanted.

A giggling snort escaped her. Works every time.

But then her eyebrow quirked. "You think I'm gonna fall for that?"

Works most of the time. "Yep."

She smiled and held the door open for me.

"Thank you, sweetheart." I kissed her cheek and ducked behind the door, catching a stripper putting her street clothes on.

"Hey!" But then she recognized me. "Well, hi there, gorgeous."

"Hi, sexy." I smiled at her and eyed the room. A long wooden bench sat in front of double stacked beat-up metal lockers. Mirrors and lights lined the far wall, hanging over a pink countertop covered with assorted makeup and hair tools. Dusty fake flowers in a chipped vase sat in the corner next to a line of pink bathroom stalls and a dripping shower. Heavy perfume tickled my nose and I sneezed. A metal locker slammed shut.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Blaze glared at me while the other dancer patted my ass on her way out the door.

"Trying to decide how I wanna fuck you. Clothes on, clothes off? Makes no difference to me."

An excited smile lit her eyes before she mashed her lips together and shook her head. "I don't go out with customers."

"I never said anything about going out. We can fuck right here on the bench or in the shower.... That countertop looks pretty sturdy."

She glanced at me and then she studied the counter with a longing look in her eyes. I thought I imagined it until a visible shiver rattled her spine and those responsive nipples showed through her shirt. "I'm not fucking anyone in that mess."

I tried a different approach. "Do you know who I am?" Pretty arrogant, but some women jumped at the chance to fuck a celebrity.

"Should I?"

Not working on her, damn it. "Hell yes." Why did that bother me? She needed to know who wanted her.

Her eyes flashed and her voice rose. "Seriously? You're the wannabe who stole my fans."

What the fuck did she call me? "Wannabe? Your fans?"

"That's right, rock 'n' roll boy. You distracted my audience."

"The women in this place were crawling all over me, not the guys."

"And the men followed the women."

"I can't help that."

"You took money out of my pocket—"

"I paid you fifty bucks to grind your ass on my brother."

"I make hundreds in tips a night, but tonight all I got was a bunch of star-struck, stupid fanboys and girls climbing over me to get to you. You already fucked me!"

Well shit. I hadn't even touched the woman, and I'd hurt her. Maybe I should leave now and avoid more damage.

"Do I need to spank this guy?" The door swung open and Destiny poked her head in.

I pressed my lips together and waited for Blaze to speak. One wrong word from her and I'd be out on my ass.

Blaze pasted a smile on her lips. "We're just talking, Des. Thanks."

Destiny nodded but she stood in the doorway and kept a wary eye on me.

My presence anywhere caused a stir, but I'd never cost anyone money before. "I'm sorry, baby. I had no idea."

"I'm sure you didn't."

My stomach tied itself in knots knowing that I'd caused her pain already. I never wanted to hurt anyone—especially her—but I always managed to do it somehow. "How can I make it up to you?" Turn around and walk out now.

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