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One of the things we love about Wattpad is the ability to interact with our fav writers, and comment on stories as they unfold. We created this promo account to acknowledge some of what we believe are the best writers on Wattpad, and to tweet our support of some true fanfiction gems.

We decided to take this one step further and contact our fav authors directly and ask them some questions in a bid to get to know them better, and give them some of the recognition we feel they deserve. We hope you enjoy this collection of writer interviews, and please feel free to comment your feedback on the interview questions, or your support to the individual writers!

Do you know any undiscovered writers you would like to recommend for interviews? Is there something you've always wanted to ask your fav writer, but never taken the opportunity? Let us know by messaging us directly (inbox only please) with your suggestions and who knows, you may find them interviewed in the coming weeks!

Wattpad Author InterviewsWhere stories live. Discover now