9. chanmapan

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Today we talk to the beautiful Anna, aka chanmapan, who penned the heartbreaking story The State That I'm In, as well as a real-life Harry fic More (currently unpublished) and AU Absolut Style. Just how difficult is writing a fanfic in English when it isn't your mother tongue? We asked, and she told us...

Whereabouts are you from, and what do you do for a living?

I am of Greek origin, actually I'm a Greek-Cypriot; yes there is a tiny little island under Greece and close to Turkey which is absolutely beautiful, can't see it on the map sometimes but it's there. I teach English as a second language to kids 6-18. I own a Language lab as I call it employing other teachers as well. I enjoy - scratch that - I love teaching especially teens and I feel blessed to be doing my dream job.

How easy do you find it to write in English when it isn't your first language?

Truth be told it is not easy at all. It's not a matter of grammar or syntax; it's a cultural element as well. Thank God I have friends (you know who you are ;)) who help me out while writing.

What challenges does it pose for you?

It's quite frustrating when you are looking for that specific word which will convey exactly what you are trying to say but you are just stuck. However, I feel that the more I write, and read for that matter, the better I become. I have some pretty awesome teachers here who are unbelievably talented and incredibly generous so I am in good hands.

What first inspired you to write 1D fanfic?

My students introduced me to wattpad and since then I can only say "Hello my name is Anna and I am a wattpadholic". They have also introduced me to 1D and following their career I came to the conclusion that they are great role models for them. They were five lads, now four who were full of positive energy, with a kind word for everyone, generous, polite. They did a lot of charity work, didn't swear (No fooking way just happened once people and it was freaking cute so shut it lol)  so I gave them a go and needless to say I was hooked.

My students got sick of me asking  them to read more in English and since Shakespeare or Charles Dickens wasn't appealing they suggested (OK it was the female students) that I write something for them to read that they would actually enjoy like a Harry Styles fanfic for example. We had just finished The Perks of Being a Wallflower and I figured since they liked that so much maybe I could get them to read something they could relate to, and I did. 

Your book The State That I'm In is based on real events from your own life, and has reached over 40k reads! How much of the storyline was real, and how did you adapt it into a Harry fanfic?

This is difficult for me to answer. It is accurate by 90-95% actually. I had to adapt it of course to sound more up-to-date. I just named the main character after Harry because he looked a lot like him but I have no idea if they are anything alike. By the way the fact that I've reached so many reads for me is simply UNBELIEVABLE! Thank you to all reading and recommending.

What type of scenes are your favorite to write, and why? What type of scenes do you struggle with?

I love writing scenes which contain humour, characters exchanging witty banter. They are my favourite because they are funny to read and write and I enjoy the comments I get from them. I struggle with smut scenes a lot. I don't think I am good at that at all. I feel embarrassed writing them, I am blushing right now typing this actually. I write smut when it serves a purpose, I don't write with the purpose of writing smut. There is a difference.

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