5. dirtyyarn

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We are excited to introduce dirtyyarn as our next author in the spotlight! She is fairly new to the writing side of wattpad but her book Delivery quickly made it onto our favs list. So what made her jump from reading to writing, and how did she do it so smoothly? Let's find out...

Where are you from and what do you do for a living?

I live in the Rocky Mountains of the US, in a community not unlike that described in my book.

Tell us about your username. Why have you chosen this as your nom de plume?

I am a knitter and I appreciate quality yarn as I do a quality story. I chose my name as a reminder of the concept that a 'yarn' is a simile for a story. And who doesn't like a 'dirty yarn?'

You're relatively new to writing fanfiction. What inspired you to start?

I wouldn't say that I was necessarily 'inspired' to write. I enjoyed the work of other writers and there was a push to come out from behind the curtain and prove myself. A friendly challenge, if you will, to see if I had the chops. It might be more accurate to state that I found the 'inspiration' to write, after I'd had a kick in the arse and produced and published the first three chapters of 'Delivery.' I recently wrote an article for Wattpad's Fan Fair that describes the journey in more detail. In it I talk about wanting to write a book when I was younger and burying that dream. Now I am uncovering that through accidental circumstances.

While your longer piece Delivery is AU, your one-shot features real-life Harry. As a writer which do you prefer? As a reader? Why?

I prefer AU or RL that takes creative license. This is true for me as a reader and a writer. The strictures of adhering to RL are daunting. I admire writers who can do it, but I couldn't. Plus if you make a mistake, the fiery wrath of the fandom will rain down upon you. Yikes!

How did you go about developing your female lead in Delivery, Professor M, Madelyn? And your AU Harry?

I abhor weak leading ladies. Give me a woman with a spine! A woman who knows herself and her desires, who can take control or choose to give control to the man she trusts.

Madelyn, or Professor M, as Harry refers to her, is a compilation of women. Certainly there is a trace of myself in her, as well as other strong women I know. She isn't perfect, which will become more obvious as time goes by, still, she is a quality person. Harry may rescue her a time or two, but she is actually quite capable of standing on her own two feet.

One of the freedoms of writing AU is that I get to pick and choose the characteristics of RL Harry that appeal to me. The slow blink, low steady speech, the lip pinching, the way he gestures with those incredible hands... ('scuse me, I needed a mo)

Anyhoo- my personal feeling is that Harry is also a quality person and I could never write him as less. The Harry character in Delivery is the man I believe he would be if this were his reality. He didn't have the opportunity to become a man privately. There have been thousands of Harry speculations thrown about. In a sense, I mourn this as a loss for real-life Harry. On the other hand, I admire the man as he continues to evolve in the public eye.

What is it about Harry that inspires you to write about him? Has he always been your fav or have you ever swerved into another lane?

Harry is my main man, but I have a serious side-piece affinity for Niall. Oh baby!! I do love that scruffed-up, sporty, Irish guitarist with a voice that melts. If anyone is offering a slice of Narry pie? I'll take two, thanks!

How often do you write and where? Give us a sense of how this magic happens.

I don't know that there's really any 'magic' that happens. LOL! I'm not a practiced wordsmith or an experienced author. I'm just a nice girl with a very dirty mind who is having a little fun, making shit up. Sorry, probably shouldn't say 'shit.'

I write volumes in my mind. In the shower, at the gym, while I cook, in the murky moments before sleep takes hold; I am thinking about writing. When it's time to get the words out into the world, I sit at a cherry-wood table that has been in my family nearly 125 years. I use google docs because it is easily accessible on my iMac or iPhone and I can tweak or publish from anywhere.

Most of this typing takes place between 10pm and 2am. I am highly distractible, and a significant portion of that time is spent flitting about on Twitter and Wattpad.

What genres do you mostly read and why?

I am admittedly deep into fanfic at the moment. Overall, I read a variety of genres. Primarily I've stuck with fiction, particularly hardcore mysteries written by serious authors. Harry Potter is beloved in my house. Jane Austin, Charles Dickens, Sir Conan Doyle, are all classic writers that I enjoy. There are so many! Each and every one of them takes me someplace new. I love getting lost in a story and finding myself transported in time, space and circumstance. I read to escape; I read to discover.

Who are some of your fav writers on Wattpad?

My favorite writers on Wattpad. Hmm, is there a limit on this list? I've become close to several writers and that adds to my experience with their books, others I've admired from a distance. Can I just invite everyone to look at my book lists on my profile? No? Okay, I'll narrow it down to five that I know well and am currently reading: styles_orama, LoveVincitOmnia, WalkStar, HarrysHighNote, etstyles

And finally, what's something you do for fun, outside of writing dirty fanfiction?

When I'm not writing dirty fanfic, I am spending my free time reading dirty fanfic. Oh, you mean other stuff entirely?

I garden, a lot. I raise all of our produce for the summer and fall months and a good portion I put up for winter.

We camp frequently and I enjoy canoeing, floating the rivers and generally being outdoors.
I see a fair amount of live music and especially enjoy the summer outdoor concert circuits. I have a connection in the music industry so I've gotten to meet several interesting musicians. Sadly, not One Direction.

Thanks so much for including me in your Author Interviews! I am both humbled and honored to be in such amazing company. BTW, I love what you are doing with best1Dfic! It is terrific to have someone weed through the plethora of books available and pick out the gems. Effing brilliant idea!

Thank you so much to dirtyyarn for this lovely interview! We are really looking forward to seeing how Delivery, er... delivers!

We have another fantastic author lined up for you next. Keep this book in your library so you don't miss the next installment!

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