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I was never one to have lots of friends at school or university, in fact the friends I did have back then I no longer spoke to. Instead I was that girl who much preferred to do things on her own. It wasn't because I didn't want friends, I was just shy. Growing up with a strict mum meant I couldn't go sneaking out to parties and I certainly couldn't stay in bed all day as I had to help out with things around the house. I was my happiest when I could be on my own with nothing but my headphones providing beautiful music. But this also meant my 'easily-worried' personality turned into full blown anxiety. I found myself worrying over everything which meant I slowly stopped going to university classes and instead sat at home trying to find the motivation or energy to do anything. Which brings me to today, when I am sitting on the kitchen floor holding an invitation. An invitation which meant in three months time I would be faced with everyone from my past, and let me tell you my anxiety levels are sky high just thinking about it.

Hi guys!
I am desperate to try commit to this story as it is something I feel I can really enjoy creating.
I do have two other stories which I have not updated for a while. I would like to get back to these but first I would like to dedicate all my time solely to this story.
I am not to sure where I am going to take this so in the early days I may change something's around but please do bare with me, I think this may be a good one!
As with all my other stories, I really do appreciate any comments or suggestions you have as I am new to this and could do with the help.

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