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Chapter 4 

“Master Thorn!” The same  middle age man in white uniform yelled out to Thorn as he approached them.

“Master Thorn!…how did this happen?” the man asked looking baffled.

“It was a thug, he stabbed him with a knife.” Rose answered before Thorn could say anything.

“You were attacked! We need to get back to the car!" the man panicked and pulled him.

“I am fine Cadbury…It’s just a minor cut,” Thorn hurriedly said before Cadbury could finish his sentence.

Rose looked at Cadbury and wondered who he was. Noticing how he repeatedly addressed Thorn as Master and panicked on looking at Thorn’s bleeding arm, she assumed that he was a guardian to Thorn.

“You again?” Cadbury exclaimed on noticing Rose.

“I’m positive you had something to do with this,” Cadbury said in a rage of fury. As he pulled Thorn towards his side, Rose slipped her hands off Thorn’s arm and hung her head down. She realized he was the same person who had yelled at her earlier for pricking Thorn during their first meeting.

“Cadbury, she had nothing to do in this,” Thorn explained and released himself from Cadbury’s grip.

Realizing Cadbury’s words had hurt Rose, Thorn apologized on behalf of him and offered to drop her back to her quarters.

“Get the car, Cadbury…We will drop Miss Rose first,” Thorn Ordered Cadbury who left with a frown on his face. He wasn’t too happy with Thorn’s new found friend, but orders were orders, being a companion to Thorn he couldn’t dare to disobey him.

“It isn’t necessary Thorn…I will manage.” Rose answered and avoided Thorn’s gaze.

“It won’t look agreeable if I left you all on your own at this time of the night.” Thorn explained and tried to convince her into accepting his offer.

The car honked from a distance, signaling Thorn that it was ready and waiting for them. Thorn looked at Rose once again and raised his left arm sideways, gesturing her to walk ahead. Failing to reject Thorn’s offer, Rose hesitantly took two steps forward and walked with him towards the steam car that was waiting for them at the entrance of the park.

As they walked silently, Rose remembered that Thorn’s arm was still bleeding. She quickly slipped off the scarf from her neck and before Thorn could realize, she tied it around his arm in an effort to stop the bleeding.

“You didn’t have to,” Thorn looked at his arm and said in a soft tone.

“Thorn, I owe you a lot…this is the least I can do for you.” Rose replied and blinked her pretty grey eyes. She saw his calm face and wondered how his arm didn’t hurt him a bit. With a lot of courage she finally asked him the question that was disturbing her mind.

“Why is it that you can’t feel pain?” She asked him abruptly as they neared his car.

“Good question...but if you ever get the answer, do inform me as well.” He said and chuckled.

Rose stared at him in amusement and rolled her eyes. She felt he was fooling her and so she sulked, “Are you pulling my leg?”

Thorn shrugged and replied, “No, my hands are completely free…see.”

Rose sighed and looked away, “You’re weird…no wonder you’re a musician.” She said and folded her hands as a gust of cool breeze blew her wavy mahogany hair.

Cadbury got out of the car and hurriedly opened the doors for them, they both sat inside and headed towards the Royal Arts academy. On the way Rose enquired why he was seen playing in the campus. He then explained that he had opted for the music course in the academy, since he had nothing worthwhile to do.

His Royal Ballerina. (completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin