Mycroft: Humans That Crawl

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Request for @teelblueheart


You paced in the entryway, occasionally glancing out the window. "Do you need anything miss?" asked Mrs. Dean, the housekeeper. You turned to face her, then shook your head solemnly. "Are you sure? You look a bit peaky."

"Actually there is something I need you to do... TellMycroftI'mpregnant and I'll be up in my room, thanks." You dashed past her, but she grabbed your arm. You were surprised by her strength, and the stern, yet soft, look she gave you.

"Mrs. Holmes," she dictated, giving you a warning look, "you know that is beyond my duty as your housekeeper." You looked down at the ground shamefully. She was right. You felt her arms engulf you and you let yourself breathe in the smell of her - motherly love and cleaning product.

"What if he gets mad?" you confessed.

"Sweetheart," she cooed, grabbing your shoulders and moving you up to face her, "Mycroft is always mad." You both laughed, and she gave you another motherly reassuring squeeze. At that moment Mycroft happened to walk through the door.

"Did someone die?" he asked flatly. Both of you gave him a look, and he raised his eyebrows, trying to play off his insensitive comment with a smile. "Only joking." He set his coat on the hanger, and Mrs. Dean gave you an urging look and gentle push towards him. You wrang your fingers together behind your back in nervousness and feebly questioned him about his day at work. "Oh it was great," he stated dryly. "I went to visit Sherlock during my lunch, which went as usual, and as I was leaving his flat, someone, well a kid, hit me in the face with a snowball." You swallowed your laugh, but he caught it anyways and glared.

"I'm sorry," you chuckled, "I'm just imagining your face and how mad you were." You walked over and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"It's not funny," he remarked grudgingly. He snaked his hands around you and placed them lightly on the small of your back. "I despise the booger infested monster that threw it at me," he spat sourly.

"You mean the kid?"

"If you could even call it that. Why can't we just be born adults? Nobody enjoys changing diapers or getting up during the night or listening to baby talk, well at least I don't." He finished his spiel, a disgusted look on his face, and a disgusted feeling gathering in the pit of your stomach. "What's wrong?" he prompted, worry creasing between his eyebrows.

"Oh nothing.." you grimaced, an awkward laugh echoing your false confession.

"(Y/n)," he whined. He lifted your chin so you'd look into his eyes, but instead you closed them. You heard his throaty chuckle and smiled at the warm sound.

"I'm sensing there's something you have to tell me due to your nervous antics and the fact that we're still standing in the same spot we were a couple minutes ago. And I know you won't let me go until you tell me, so come on, just spit it out." He pushed a piece of hair behind your ear and you breathed in deep breath, trying to calm your nerves.

"Well, the thing is.. Uh.."

"Yes?" he begged, smirking slightly.

"Okay I promise our child won't throw snowballs at you Mycroft! Please give our booger monster a chance before you get all mad because there are tissues to wipe away the boogers and I can change all the diapers and get up with him or her every night and-" your ranting was interrupted.

"You're pregnant?" he questioned seriously. You gulped.


"With one of those puny humans that crawl?" You sighed sadly, already sensing his dismay.


"Well that is, that is..." He trailed off, seemingly at a loss for words, an emotionless look drawn onto his face. "That is unexpected."

"Unexpected?" you asked again, making sure you heard right. You don't know what it was, whether it was the pregnancy hormones or what you ate for lunch, but a fire of anger tore through your emotions. Unexpected? Obviously it was unexpected. It's pretty damn unexpected, especially when you take certain precautions to make sure it doesn't happen.

"Well no shit," you fumed. He looked taken aback by your outburst, and you tangled yourself out of his arms.

"I meant unexpected in a good way," he called after you, but you had already gone upstairs, where you locked yourself in the bathroom and let the tears fall.


He had come knocking, telling you he was sorry and that he hadn't meant what he said, he was just shocked. He gave up after several minutes of your silence.

It's not like you were expecting him to pick you up, swing you around, and throw confetti around the house, but a little excitement would have been nice instead of a cold look and monotone response. Eventually Mrs. Dean unscrewed the lock and made you come down to the kitchen to eat something. She promised Mycroft was already in bed, and you trusted her enough to leave the safety of your lemony fresh refuge.

Mrs. Dean held open the door to the kitchen and you walked in, finding yourself face to face with your husband. You swiveled around quickly to leave, but instead bumped into the brick wall of Mrs. Dean.

"Not fair, 2 against 1," you muttered bitterly.

"(Y/n) please listen to me," begged Mycroft.

"Listen to you tell me how much you hate children when I have one right here growing in me that happens to be yours?" you challenged. Oh yeah, the hormones are still surging, you thought.

"I was just shocked is all! I would not hate our child. I would love our child. And I would love to raise a child with you." You squinted your eyes, analyzing him. He had a pleading look in his eyes and he reached for your hands. You stayed stone still and he went on, desperation growing in his eyes and voice. "I would get up during the night AND I would change the dirty diapers! If I could, I would even birth the baby for you!"

"Okay okay ew, stop. I forgive you." He breathed a sigh of relief and attacked you in a bear hug, planting small kisses all over your hair. "Mycroft Holmes, the baby isn't even born yet and you've already transformed into an emotional, sentiment-showing man," you teased. He went still, and removed himself from you. He straightened out his suit and stuck his nose into the air with a pompous look on his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about."


Yay for updates and spring break. Am I right?

Thank you for the reads and comments and votes. (ILYSM) You guys make my day :)

Random: If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be?

I think that's all I have to say...


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