Hearts Beating

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Hearts beating  ,

I can hear it  .

He is coming

closer and closer ,

with brooding look

faster and faster .

Excitement running ,

along with my nerves .

Heart starts jumping . . .

Watching him sit next to me .

Staring at him

With obvious glee .

Without listening ,

Watching him speak

Nodding and agreeing .

Smiling without trying ,

Looking like an idiot

with the smile big and dazzling .

Feeling like a teenage girl !

Talking with her first crush

fidgeting with my curl .

Blush ain't leaving my cheek

growing redder and redder

Resisting urge to freak .

Butterflies stuck in my tummy ,

Refusing to leave any time soon

As the time fly .

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Blend of EmotionsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora