Too much

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 Do not dislike something too much

Else it will follow you .

It will come after you ,

To bite you on your shoulder .

Do not like something too much ,

They are not going to stay .

They will not stick around 

And then you will be left behind to mourn .

Do not speak too much ,

You are giving away many things .

Nor it is something endearing !

People around you might just move away .

Do not keep quiet too much ,

Others think you do not care .

Or you are such a snob !

And then loneliness might surround you . .

Do not think too much ,

Thing never go the way we think .

They happen the way no one has control over ,

Then why stress yourself so much ?

Too much is too dangerous !

Lets keep away from it . .

Lets enjoy bits of everything  ,

As I believe Too much is Too much Trouble .

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