Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: Paramount Studios and the estate of Gene Roddenberry own copyright of all things Star Trek. The original plot is my own as are any characters created specifically for this story. 

'Julian!' He swung around. The call had come from the other side of the expansive bar which dominated Ten-Forward. Will Riker was beckoning to him. Picking up his glass he slid off his seat and made his way over to the empty seat next to that occupied by the not inconsiderable figure of the Enterprise' first officer. He sat down, raising his glass in silent toast to Riker. 'What are you drinking?' Riker inquired solicitously. Bashir indicated his glass and Riker beckoned to a nearby waiter indicating a refill of both their glasses. He glanced at the junior officer gauging his mood. Now seemed as good a time as any. 

'So Julian, quiet day?' Bashir leant his arm on the bar and stared deep into his glass, remembering the fury of the scramble to arms - as it were - when battle was joined. He sighed and replied softly, 'Don't I wish!' His face brightened, 'Mind you there were high spots. I was working with a wonderful person..' Riker glanced sideways at him, realising that he had it very bad. Wondering if Beverly knew how bad. He dragged his mind back to the reason he had asked Bashir to join him. 'Was that all, the company I mean?' The loaded question, yet Bashir seemed totally oblivious to any special meaning. He considered, then grinned; 'Well no. There was one other thing. Beverly got a bit cross with me actually. Apparently my bedside manner needs a bit of work!' He laughed, joined by Riker who inquired, 'Why?' Bashir shrugged, 'Oh nothing really, just that I need to practice a little more restraint in giving good news.' 

Riker's interest was piqued; 'Oh yes? What was that?' He reached for his glass awaiting Bashir's reply. 'Oh er, yeah that's right. We have a prospective mother-to-be on board. Perhaps you know her, an ensign, Tess something, Allenby I think.' He recoiled from the tremendous snort from his side as a shower of synthahol splattered his face. Instinctively he wiped his cheek clean with his hand. Then, confused he turned and began banging the choking Commander on the back. Riker coughed repeatedly, snorting, wiping at the tears welling up in his eyes. His throat sore he sipped gently at the remnants of his drink, most of which now decorated the back of the bar, Julian's uniform, other customers, assorted waiters. Riker regained his composure slowly. Then as sense returned he became dimly aware of the facts of the case at hand. A female officer he was currently emotionally involved with was pregnant. It did not take a great deal of thought to.. He swore softly. 


'Oh Julian, you didn't!' Bashir was in trouble again. This time however, he was at a loss to understand how. He mumbled a nervous reply. Beverly was cross - very cross. Bashir felt suddenly irritated that he was being blamed for something he had no control over. He voiced this feeling, at great length; 'Well how was I supposed to know? I mean, ship's gossip has never been much of an interest of mine. Tell me, how was I supposed to know that Will Riker was romantically involved with Tess Allenby?' Beverly groaned. She knew he was right, and yet.. She grinned suddenly, 'Poor Will. Tell me again how he took the news.' Julian looked sardonically at her; 'You, are a sadist. Not a good trait in a doctor', he grinned and laughed, 'Oh alright! He choked profusely, spat damn near half a glass of synthale over me, the bar and several unfortunates nearby, then I performed the Heimlich Manoeuvre to help him recover his breath. Now, are you done?' 

Beverly smiled and patted his shoulder. He looked over at her and grinned. She cleared her throat and replied softly; 'Yes. Look Julian, I'm sorry I blasted off at you. It's just that, I've known Will Riker a long time. I care about him. He's going to be very confused right now and he's going to need help. Especially as he's operating - probably - under the mistaken assumption that he's the father.' Now Bashir gave up completely and dropped any pretence of knowing what was going on; 'Huh? He isn't?' Beverly shook her head, 'No, come on, did you honestly think he was?' He ignored the question, thinking it's answer obvious, 'So why the drama?' Beverly glared at him exasperated, 'Because he's forgotten that she was seeing Lieutenant Carlton before him. And because he's male he thinks that because he is seeing her when the news breaks, naturally that he's the daddy! Wrong, very wrong. Couldn't hardly be more wrong.' 

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