Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: Paramount Studios and the estate of Gene Roddenberry own copyright of all things Star Trek. The original plot is my own as are any characters created specifically for this story. 

Picard rubbed his hands up the sides of his nose and over his eyes. Lack of sleep was starting to catch up with him, again. His head jerked up at a bleep behind him.. A hair ahead of the announcement from Worf. 

'Sir.. Incoming transmission from DS9. It is Colonel Kira.... She is asking to speak with you in private'. 

Picard raised an eyebrow at that. Not good. 'In my Ready Room Mr Worf. Wil, you have the Bridge'. He left a very curious Riker behind as he strode into the Captain's Ready Room to his left. Slipping behind the desk he quickly entered his access code and barked; 

'Yes Colonel?' 

The visage that greeted him was not a happy one. Kira got right to the point; 'It would appear we have a problem. The Merrimac doesn't have enough power to sustain its' allotted section of the grid. So we have two choices. Either we strengthen that area or we allow the Cardassians through. Chief O'Brien with all due respect to you, does not concur with your assessment of the Cardassian's reaction to seeing the gap. You no doubt recall he was Tac...' 

'Tactical Chief of the Rutledge at Setlik III during the Border Wars.... Yes, I am well aware of Mr. O'Brien's pedigree. What is his opinion?' A mark of the man, that he did not even query the disagreement of a junior officer with his assessment. Kira gave him the Chief's bleak diagnosis of the sickness about to plague the area, noting her agreement. Picard scowled. 

'So. Either we strengthen the defences across the whole grid or leave the gap, wait until they show their hand, and then retaliate. The latter meaning we will probably suffer casualties in the process.... Unless... What if we allow them to open fire briefly... and then scatter. With luck in the euphoria they will attempt to charge through. Where the Klingons will be waiting for them..' He held up his hand to forestall the complaint, 'yes I know Colonel. That's what we did last time. However, consider this. How many times have either of us been known to repeat ourselves? Hmmm?' 

Kira grinned. Both were renowned for their innovations. 'It just might work'. Picard looked back at her. 'It has to Nerys... We have nothing else.' 

He shut off the PADD and left the Ready Room to resume his seat in the centre command chair of the Bridge. His sigh and outlet of breath caused Riker to glance across at him with some concern; 'Something wrong sir?' Picard returned the look, 'In a moment Wil. Mr Worf, open a channel to the Hegh'ta please.' 


Kurn sat in the command chair of the Vor'cha attack cruiser. Brooding. Drumming his fingers on the arm. A Klingon warrior does not class patience as a virtue, and Kurn was a warrior of the highest order. He was glad of the reprieve; 

'Captain! We are being hailed. It is the Enterprise'. 

He stirred, 'Onscreen!' Smiling wolfishly at the anticipation of news. Picard's face faded into view. He did not look pleased. The Klingon's elation faded into suspicion as he regarded his old friend, and his brother's Captain, warily an eyebrow raised. 'Captain Picard, how may I be of service?' 

Picard smiled, recognising the forced diplomacy for what it was. The strained effort of a frustrated Klingon warrior. One who has recently witnessed the destruction of his brother warriors and whose blood is baying for vengeance. He phrased his next sentence very carefully. 

'Captain Kurn. There is news, both good and bad. The bad news is that we lack sufficient power in our ships for the proposed plan to generate the tachyon grid required. The good news is that this will leave a gap in the field.' 

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