Chapter 12

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Yay for updates!! I know it's been another long wait but hopefully the chapter is worth it. Things are getting even better!! Let me know what you think :)

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Kara's POV

The past few days had been, well for a lack of a better word, Hell. After my kiss with Paul I came straight home and barricaded myself in my room. I didn't know a person could cry as much as I had but there were few tears left in me. I had cried for so long that they must have finally dried up.

My dad had no idea what to do. I told him I just wasn't feeling good and he seemed to take my word for it. Maybe it was because he didn't want to deal with the petty problems of his teenage daughter or maybe he just wanted to believe that that was all it was. Either way, he left me alone except for when he checked up on me or brought me food. I appreciated the fact that he didn't pry. I wouldn't have told him what was really going on anyway.

A knock on my bedroom door brought me out of my thoughts. Putting my pencil down from doing my school work, I turned around to see my dad stick his head in. "Hey, I was just going to say that I was about to head back to work. There is some food in the microwave I saved for you," he said with a small smile.

"Ok dad. I'll eat later," I said turning back to look at my work. Gabriella had brought it by yesterday and I was falling behind. Who knew missing three days would result in so much work? I told her I'd be back Monday and even if I'm not exactly ready, I will be going back.

When I didn't hear my dad's footsteps retreating and the sound of my door closing, I returned my gaze to the man standing in the doorway. He looked hesitant and conflicted. His eyes shifted to the hall and then back to my room. With a sigh, he entered the room and came to a stop right next to my desk where I sat. Kneeling down so that he was eye level with me, he took my hand in his.

"Listen Kara, I'm not sure what exactly happened or is making you feel this way but just know that I love you very much. I know I'm not around as often as either of us would like but I'm always here for you to talk to if you want. If you need me, I'm just a phone call away," he said looking at me. I could see the worry lines on his forehead. They had become more pronounced over the past few days. My strange behavior must have weighed on him more than I thought.

I smiled slightly and wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug. He seemed surprised at first. We weren't the most affectionate family but he got over it quickly and hugged me back. I missed moments like this where we could just be a normal father and daughter. "Thanks dad," I whispered pulling back from our embrace.

"Anytime," he said patting me on the leg and standing back up. "I'll be back by the time you get up tomorrow morning," he continued as he went to leave the room.

"Be careful. I heard there was a storm coming," I said. He gave me a wave as acknowledgement before closing the door to my room. It was another minute or two before I heard the car start and the sound of him driving down the road.

I don't know how long I sat there doing homework. It had to be another hour or two. I stopped once I heard a rumble of thunder and the first drops of raining hitting the house. Stretching, I pushed myself away from my desk and decided that I had waited long enough to eat.

I flicked the lights on as I walked through the house, the sounds of the rain mixing with the soft padding of my feet over the hardwood floor. As I passed the living room, I managed to catch a reflection of myself in the mirror that hung over the mantle. I stopped mid-step and turned to look at myself. I had avoided looking in a mirror since I came home those few days ago. I knew I wouldn't like the outcome but I didn't know I'd look this bad.

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