Chapter 13

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Ok guys. I'm so sorry that I've been MIA for so long. It's my senior year of college and things have just been all over the place. I'm hoping me posting now makes up for it. Let me know what you think. I don't think it's my best but I wanted to get a chapter out for you guys to read.



Kara's POV

I led Paul into the kitchen. He followed without hesitation and when I told him to stand there for a second, he didn't complain. I made my way down the hall to a closet that I knew we kept towels in and grabbed one.

"Thanks," he said softly as he took the towel from my hand. I tried not to let my eyes linger on him as the man ran the towel over his clothes and hair. It took a lot of will power but I was able to resist the temptation.

"Um, do you want anything to drink or eat?" I asked as I left Paul to sit at the table when the microwave dinged, alerting me that my food was warmed up. I quickly pulled the food out and shut the door. The hunger that had convinced me to leave my room was now dissolved into nothing. I doubt I'd be able to eat until all this with Paul was settled.

"No I'm ok. Come sit with me," he said patting the table opposite him where an empty seat for me waited. I placed the plate on the stove for a later time and grabbed my water before heading for the seat.

I could feel myself getting nervous. The kiss we shared before was proof enough that perhaps Paul liked me just as much as I liked him but I wasn't sure what he had to tell me. What if it was something that I wouldn't like? Was he seeing someone else? My mind was racing with all the possibilities and they only got worse the longer I thought about it. I swept my hand to get some of the fallen hair pushed behind my ear and cringed. I looked like absolute shit and here Paul was, looking perfect. I tried to discretely fix my hair but it was no use. Paul had seen through my scheme.

"Kara, don't worry. You still look gorgeous to me," he said with a smile as he reached to stop my hands and grasp one in his. I smiled shyly at him too. He didn't smile often. It was usually a smirk but I liked his smile. There was something very genuine about the happiness to gives off. I tried to hold off the blush I knew was rushing to my cheeks but the fact that Paul's smile only widened, I knew it was too late.

"So, what do we do know? I know you said that we need to talk about some things but I'm not sure how to start this. I've never been in this situation," I said with a shrug of my shoulder. I mentally cursed myself. Of course he wouldn't think I've been in this situation before and neither has he. I mean, how many students and teachers fall for each other?

"Well, I guess I should begin by explaining myself. I haven't been the best of teachers or friends when it comes to you. When I saw you in class the first day, I knew that I'd have trouble with you and not because anything you had done or would do but because I could already feel an attraction to you," Paul said squeezing my hand slightly. I didn't say anything. I just sat back and let him continue.

"I know I shouldn't have but I couldn't help trying to get close to you. It helped that you had become friends with Gabriella and the others since I was already close to them," he continued. There was a slight pause. One glance at him and I could see he was struggling with something.

"Paul..." I said trying to get him to continue or at least tell me what was stopping him. He looked up at me, our eyes meeting and I saw everything I needed to. Worry. Pain. Love. All the emotions I had been feeling the past couple of days.

"When we kissed at school, I knew we shouldn't have. I wanted to though. I don't regret the decision just as you said but then it all went wrong. You ran away from me and I understand why but I didn't get the chance to explain. Didn't get the opportunity to tell you that it wasn't your fault. I just wanted to kiss you again," he said his head ducking to look at the table. "I thought that I had lost you. The chance I had been waiting for and I ruined it. Then when you didn't come to school for the rest of the week, I couldn't take it anymore. Now here we are in your kitchen and me, pouring out my heart sounding like a complete idiot," he continued with a slight chuckle.

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