Chapter | 10

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The day of Anna's naming ceremony arrived after a month of delays. She was well on her way to being four months old and in as Carla held her in front of the small group of family and friends, she couldn't believe how fast her baby was growing. The morning was already warm, the temperature only going to get higher as the day wore on and standing under the gazebo set up just for the occasion on the grassy hill a slight breeze offered a little relief. The river was sparkling blue behind them as the city was starting to come to life.

 Paul stood just beside his wife as the celebrant went through the ceremony, smiling as he made eye contact with his family and chuckling quietly as he caught sight of Emily pulling faces at Anna from the front row. It kept a smile on his daughters face and that was all he could ask for. Jack offered him a smile from where he sat beside Emily, he had been trying to stay out of her business despite Carla's efforts to stay in it and he couldn't deny he was glad to see the end of Greg. Emily had never looked happier and he wondered if their almost coordinated outfits had been on purpose. Jacks light blue tie matched the pale blue of the floral maxi dress Emily had on and if he didn't know better he would think they were a couple but he got snapped out of his thoughts as the celebrant got to the final stage of the ceremony.

"Could Emily and Bryan please come forward" The pair got up from their seats and stood on the other side of the celebrant as Anna's smile fell from her face, intently watching what Emily was doing now she had moved. "It is said time is one of the most precious things we can give to the people in our life. You have been chosen out of love and trust by Carla and Paul to be there for Anna, to help guide her and be willing to be involved in her life. Will you accept their request of being godparent to Anna, to give her your time when ever and how ever you can?"

"I will" Emily and Bryan answered in time to each other and Bryan playfully nudged Emily who looked close to tears as they were handed a candle.

"The lighting of the candle is to represent the light that will guide Anna through life. The warmth of the flame represents the warmth of the love and friendship that not only they as godparents will offer but all of you here today offer to Anna" As the pair lit their candles Anna held her arms out to Emily, her face turning into a frown and she started to grizzle.  Moving around the table Emily took her from Carla as they went to do their own lighting and the crowd all laughed with Anna as it was clear who her favourite person was and her happy gurgles erupted from her in a fit.

Soon after Emily took her seat back beside Jack as the celebrant finished up the ceremony.  Once it was done everyone start moving forward to see the special little girl, Emily hung back with Jack and Helen who was trying to keep Heidi occupied and not running off to the park. "Is Carla ok?"

Emily looked away from talking to Heidi after Jack alerted her to the fact something was wrong with her friend. "Oh dam"

Pauls parents were crowding around Carla and Anna as Paul stood laughing with brother and cousin. Carla was in a constant battle with her in-laws, their opinions on how she should be doing everything wasn't welcomed and now they had alone, the stress and anger was clearly growing on her face. Helen looked over and laughed; looking guilty she went back to her own daughter knowing exactly what Carla was going through but Emily had been around them enough to know how to get her friend out of this kind of situation. Distraction.

"Mr and Mrs Anderson!" Emily interrupted saving Carla who didn't hesitate in slipping over towards her cousins, "How are you? I heard you just got back from Europe?"

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