Part 14

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Amelie kept her back to us as she let out a piercing screech and the entrance to the ship opened up. She then beckoned us forward with her tail and I, along with Halkrath and Jaguar followed closely behind her. Once inside she let the other two go on ahead after telling them that the others were just up ahead but she stopped me from going with them by blocking the way with her arm and tail. "Wait! Before you go ahead I better tell you some good and bad news," she said, scratching the side of her dome-shaped head carefully with her claws and fidgeting with one of the axe-like horns on the side of her head. 

I tilted my head a bit, confused and to be honest, a bit scared. I hesitated but nodded, quite interested in what she had to say. "Well, erm, best to say the bad news, eh? Not as much upset if it's over and said with-" "Just say it already?" I couldn't help but get a bit annoyed, my tail flicked in irritation. "Oh, sorry, ha ha! Well, uh, it's about Jenny." She said, face pointed down to the floor and I immediately became even more interested, however, instead of being scared at the bad news, I was TERRIFIED. "G-go on," I stuttered and my sister sighed, a bit of a high pitched hiss mixed in thanks to being a xenomorph. 

"Well, I can't explain exactly what happened but I can try. A... thing, huge claws, winged, resembled that of one of us," she circled her tail above our heads whilst pointing the two bladed tip down towards us to emphasise her point. "It had strange canisters of a mysterious orange sparkly liquid which if I may add was NOT orange juice. Unless Jenny hates orange juice a lot!" She snickered but stopped once she sensed my invisible piercing glare. "But it took one of them and jumped on Jenny! Kept her pinned by its wings, which were flipping massive by the way! And cut her on the side with its claws and put the liquid into the wound. Oh sis I'm sorry we tried to stop it but... she went practically insane, her eyes were a glowing orange!" 'Right, why is she sounding like a flaming poet?' I mentally grumbled but listened anyway.

"We stopped her, knocked her unconscious but once we did SHE FLIPPING DISSAPEARED, BOOM, PUFF OF SMOKE, GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD!" She waved her arms and I just crossed my arms, raising a non-existent eyebrow which made her clear her throat and continue. "But yeah, when she did we heard a voice saying 'She cannot stay, not in this condition' or something like that anyways. I don't know, it confused me a lot, just don't be too sad mad?" She waited for my reaction. I just shook my head, my tail drooping to the floor with the heavy blade of my tail making a faint 'clunk' as it hit the floor. I growled a bit, lips curling as I tensed up but I relaxed again and shrugged. "It must be for the best then," I whispered, raising my head up to look at my sister once I realised I was staring at the floor.

"Well, let's go see the others then?" I change the subject with a forced smile while jumping up on two legs and walking to the control room to meet up with the others before stopping in my tracks. I then tilted my head to the side and looked over to Amelie over my shoulder, looking through the sharpened spikes on my back. "The good news?" I asked, referring to earlier but I received a blank stare before she gasped in realisation, I swore I could see a lightbulb flash above her head. "We, or Evie, Rhianna and I, previously along with Jenny, managed to befriend some fellow predators and xenomorphs! It was a bit hard at first because, you know, predators and xenomorphs don't really get along well." She laughed nervously because of, what I guessed, thinking back to the memory.

I jumped, my tail and spines shooting up in alarm, my sharp teeth bared and back arched on all fours when I hear a growling noise only to relax only slightly when my sister lets out a sheepish laugh. "Sorry, I'm starving. Oh yeah! Our new friends and us have planned to go hunting, hope you don't mind. We're all pretty hungry, you?" I hummed in thought, I know it was dark but I did want to feel the satisfaction I got from killing so I nodded, tail swinging, I seemed to have got my energy in it back. My sister then smiles, clearing her acidic saliva away from her mouth, no doubt she was thinking about food, I couldn't really blame her.

"Great! Now let's introduce you to the others!" She smiled, tail whipping behind her as she rushed off to where the others were.

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