Chapter 11 - McFlurries and My Own Inner Flurry of Emotions

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It's been two weeks. I know, I'm a horrible person. I'M SORRY. I hate late uploads but I'm afraid today I have done what I most detest about the Wattpad world. Just read on, because you don't need a long explanation as to why I haven't uploaded (but if you must know, it was because of exams).

"It’s time to end this one-sided flirt fest." -- Noha Ali, Confessions of a Muslim Girl

Chapter 11

McFlurrier and My Own Inner Flurry of Emotions

☻ Noha Ali ☻

            You know that worried, stressed out feeling we all have at the beginning of a new school year? It’s not consuming, not really. But buried underneath the general excitement and optimism over the start of a new school year, it’s definitely there.

School has been in session for three weeks and today is a Friday, the most holy day out of the week for Muslims all around the world.

Adam and Zakariya both specially request that Independent Study be given to them seventh period every year so that they can leave school early to go to Jummah namaz without falling behind in an academic class.

Since Jummah namaz is not obligatory for girls, Farah, Maysa, and I leave school immediately after the final bell so that we can get to the masjid and pray namaz there.

            Driving to the masjid from school takes about fifteen to twenty minutes, depending on traffic. That’s why Farah, Maysa, and I meet up before and after seventh period in a designated spot – coordinating is a big time saver.

            After sixth period, which is AP Literature with the much-talked about new, young teacher, Mr. Kennedy, I wait for Maysa at my locker (her locker is three away from mine). I know she has AP Calculus AB with Adam, and I also know that they usually don’t get out until a minute or two after the bell.

            To busy myself, I spin my locker combination and smile at the satisfying click that elicits when the locker is open. It’s a firm reminder that school has officially started. I all but throw my heavy textbooks in there and proceed in putting some notebooks and binders from my earlier classes into my locker. When I put my backpack back on, it feels considerably lighter.

            I feel quiet footsteps and I turn to see who it is. The hallway is almost empty, but I can see a boy whose face is creased with stress and concern walking with his head down. “Drew!” I call out. The boy looks up and sure enough, there’s my friend, Drew.

            Drew smiles tensely and walks over. “What’s wrong?” I ask, my happiness from seeing him laced with concern.

            “Nothing much. Tiring week, that’s all. Junior year and all that.” Drew says, laughing lightly. His laugh sounds hollow and his face holds no genuine mirth.

            “Oh, really? What class is your most stressful one?” I ask.

            Drew hesitates for a moment and then sighs and shakes his head. “The academic aspect of junior year is fine. It’s just the social aspect. I mean, it’s not that big of a deal but a man gets tired of having to deal all the time, you know?”

            I look at him, he has definitely grown. “Awn, Drew, you’re a man now!” I flash him a brilliant smile and even he laughs at this.

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