Chapter 28 -- Unanswered Questions

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AYE YO! Enjoy y'all. It was either upload now or upload Sunday. See how nice I am? ^_^

"Allah reveals all at its due time." -- Noha Ali to Maysa Malik, COAMG

Chapter 28

Unanswered Questions

☼ Maysa Malik ☼

            Even after Farah dropped me home, I was still thinking about what Skye. Well, Skye and her mother to be precise. The love a mother has for her child is the strongest love capable of humans, my mom used to tell me when I was a child. Naturally, I never truly understood the full extent of what she meant. Childhood was like this cloak of blissful ignorance for me.

            Little by little, the older I got, I finally understood how much Mom really loved me. Once, when I was fifteen, Zakariya let me mow the lawn. The lawn mower requires a lot of control, because it easily drives forward if you’re not careful. He was watching me as I mowed the back lawn. He said something, but I couldn’t hear him over the loudness of the mower. I turned for a second, but the lawn mover shot forward the second I relaxed my hold on it. Startled for sure when it shot forward, I maneuvered it right before it hit the back wall of the house. But, when I made the sharp turn, I managed to take out half of Mom’s flower garden.

            She’s always had a green thumb, and I know how hard she had worked to get those flowers to grow. How many days she had spent carefully planting the seeds, and how many times she’d gone out to water them.

            I felt awful seeing the shriveled and destroyed flowers. Zakariya even offered to take the blame for me after he saw the look on my face. Neither of us had to say anything. Mom came out to see what we were doing and I saw the sadness on her face when she saw her flowers. Or, what was left of her flowers. Her expression softened when she saw my face and the prickling of tears threatening to escape from my widened eyes. She just smiled through her sadness and hugged me and Zakariya. She never mentioned it again.

            That’s just one of the million things that she’s done in my sixteen years. Remembering every one of them and writing them all down would take so much paper that even with all the Twilight books combined, I would still give Stephanie Meyer a run for her money.

            I walked into the house still thinking, reminiscing about everything Mom has done just for me. Triple that and that’s what she’s done for all three of us, me, Zakariya, and Nazia.

            When Skye talked about her mother, something inside of me clicked. I finally understood part of why it’s so hard for Zakariya. From the beginning, he was always the most attentive and loving towards our mom. Not that Nazia and I weren’t, it’s just that since he’s the only boy, and the firstborn, Mom and he have always had a special relationship. He changing has hurt Mom, and he knows that.

            After praying Asr namaz, or prayer, I head to my room to do homework. I easily have a good three and a half hours of homework to complete. Wait, it’s Friday. Why are you doing your homework now? Good question. Oh well, if I don’t do it now, I won’t have the heart to do it tomorrow, and that’ll end in me staying up till two in the morning on a Sunday night, trying to get it all done. No thank you. Monday mornings are bad enough and I’m a procrastinator.

            I decide to do chemistry homework and get it out of the way. My grade is a B, and I want to try my best to get it up to an A. The homework I’m supposed to do has me completely lost with my mouth hanging open. Oh jeez. I think. And I don’t even have my calculator. Where’d I leave it? Shoot. It’s in my locker. Maybe Zakariya has his in his room.

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