f o u r t y

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Before I start this chapter, I would just like to say THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH OVER FOR 15K VIEWS!! I can't believe this is happening. All your comments make my day, especially when you say how much you like this story, even if it sucks.

Okay, anyway, time for Frank and Gerard to finally meet!


Gee: I can't sleep

Gee: I'm so excited

Frnk: you better have rice krispy treats for me when I get there

Gee: Fine we can eat them in the car

Frnk: YAY

Frnk: I'll see you soon. Gtg get ready. Ily

Gee: ilyt


Gerard's pov

I stared blankly at the ceiling. I couldn't get my brain to shut up about Frank and meeting Frank and just how cute Frank is. Ignore that last one. My heart was pounding and I couldn't think of anything but Frank.

After a while, I finally stood up and started pacing around. It was only seven, and Frank said he was coming at eleven.

What should I wear? I had plenty of clothes that were probably fine, but I didn't want to wear the wrong thing. What if Frank thought I looked stupid? I walked over to my closet and opened it. Maybe I should ask Frank what he was wearing. We could match. Or we could be one of those couples that wore completely different things. Not that we were actually a couple or anything.

After a long few minutes of looking through my shirts and sweatshirts, I picked out a red t-shirt and my Smashing Pumpkins sweatshirt, hoping it would be okay. I pulled on my black jeans before putting on the shirt and sweatshirt.

"Gerard?" I heard Mikey call, probably from the other room. I trudged over to my door and opened it.

"Hm, Mikey?"

"I'm in my room," he said, just barely loud enough for me to hear.

I walked out of my room and opened his door. He still had no idea Ray was coming, though he knew Frank was coming to pick me up. I hoped he would be happy to see Ray. I was assuming he would be, but I didn't know for sure.

"Yeah?" I asked as I walked into Mikey's room. He was sitting on his bed, reading a Deadpool comic book.

"Just wanted to ask if you needed any help getting ready."

I shook my head. "I think I'm good. Do you need another ice pack?"

"That would be great."

I nodded and left the room, heading for the kitchen. I was tired, but so excited at the same time. I hadn't slept much anyway; I was helping Mikey almost all night. When I did sleep, I didn't sleep much. I was too excited. I'd hoped Mikey couldn't hear my voice shaking from anticipation.

Opening the freezer, I took out an ice pack for Mikey and looked around for ice cream. I spotted the box of ice cream sandwiches and took out two of them. After walking back into Mikey's room and handing him his new ice pack, I handed him one of the ice cream sandwiches as well.

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