When Like Minds Collide

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Summary - 

Lord Marshall Sutherland wanted a wife.He had also known exactly who he wanted as his wife for precisely a year. Unfortunately, Miss I.P. Bright was a pseudonym and locating the wench had taken a considerable amount of time, effort and money on his part. He had spent the better part of his time last year at the blasted London Season only to discover that it was apparent Miss I.P. Bright – whoever she was- did not run in the same circles as him. It had been an irksome and trying experience because now every débutante and her mama thought that he sought a wife, any wife. But that wasn't the case. He was hunting for a particular woman and no other woman would do. Marshall was a man of definable tastes and once he knew what he wanted, he generally got it.Miss Imogen Brightmore did not want a husband, especially one the likes of Lord Marshall Sutherland, who boorishly and chauvinistically opposed her anonymously published articles. So when a handsome, intelligent and agreeable country gentleman comes to town, Imogen finds herself surprisingly attracted to him and little does she suspect that he harbors a secret that could ruin their blossoming courtship.

Rating - 9/10

Thoughts -

Damn. This book is good. Like, really good. Every chapter I was smiling and laughing or crying. It's a good book - but there is chapter or two that I am a tad iffy about, but it did what a good book does, it makes you feel. It's witty, a fun read and a great book for anyone who loves a strong female character with a sense of identity and strength. It also provides us with not-so-jane-doe characters as every characters have their faults. Plus, the fun little plot twist concerning one particular character made me laugh to no end. 

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