Alternate Ending #3

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Rudy's POV:
I open my eyes to find myself laying on a pile of debris and wonder what I am doing here but then see all the bodies along with mine and I realize Himmel street was bombed. My ribs ache and my throat is dry, too dry I can't swallow. I look around for Liesel but I feel so weak. I can't find her. I'm scared. W- wh...

Liesel's POV:
I open my eyes just a little and find Rudy looking for me. I try to call out to him. "R-R-Ru-Ru-d-d-dy?", I whisper because my throat feels as if there was no moisture left at all. I see his eyes close and know what this means. A thousand sad thoughts race through my mind as I try to cry but all the tears are gone. They're gone. They've been spent on my mama, and Max, and the war. There's nothing left for Rudy. Rudy...

Death's POV:
This tragedy on Himmel street caused the death of many and it is my responsibility to collect their souls when their time comes. As I walk along the broken street of Heaven, I see the body of Rudy Steiner. Lifeless. I reach out to his soul as it escapes his body and into my arms. After some 5 or so more souls, I notice one person I did not expect to see. Liesel Meminger. The book thief. With fists balled by her sides, she still looks graceful. I collect her soul and it tugs at me. Begging to stay with her body. But I cannot cheat. No. I take her soul and walk with my hands folded together down the once beautiful Himmel street.

Liesel's POV:
I am brought into this new world much different than my own. Much more lonely and full of strange things surrounding me. There are people here but none whom I know. Sadness fills my eyes and I am about to walk away to who knows where when I hear the faintest voice behind me. "Liesel?"

Rudy's POV:
I stare as strange people walk past me. I feel lost and I'm all alone now. Nobody to love anymore. But then I see her. Her unmistakable curls and her big doe eyes. "Liesel?", I call out to her.

Liesel's POV:
"Rudy?" I turn around and see the boy with the lemon hair standing there waiting for me. I don't know what I am thinking now but relief floods over me and I run to him and he runs to me. When I reach him, I jump on him hugging him tight. I begin to cry so hard that my whole body is shaking.

Rudy's POV:
She suddenly jumps on me with her legs wrapped around me and her arms around my neck squeezing me. She starts to cry and I do too. She looks at me now after hugging me and smiles. I smile too but then tears swell in my eyes and again I begin to cry. "What's wrong, Rudy?", she says with a worried expression. I try to stop but the tears keep coming. Finally, I manage to get a hold of myself and with a deep breath, I tell her everything. "Liesel, I love you. All those times I asked for a kiss, I really meant it. You're different than anyone in the world and I love you so much. I would do anything for you and I will always be there for you. I know you probably don't feel the same but-" and then to my astonishment, she leans in and kisses me, soft and true on the lips. I kiss her back and we stay that way for what seems like forever.

Liesel's POV:
I pull away first but I instantly regret it. I look at Rudy. "Rudy, don't you ever say that again. I love you and always will. I've been meaning to tell you but I would always stop myself  because of my worries. But today, I will scream from the rooftops, let the world know, I'm in love with you." His face breaks out into a huge grin and it makes me laugh. His hand reaches out towards mine and I gladly accept. And then we walk away together, hand in hand, to who knows where, in our new home called Heaven.

Alternate Endings To The Book ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now