Superstitious Creeps of September

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S U P E R S T I T I O U S     C R E E P S     O F     S E P T E M B E R

Imagine yourself alone in a dark forest with a thick fog covering your view. Suddenly, you heard something from behind the bushes. Slowly, you looked at it and heard a 'meow'. You felt relieved because it was just a cat behind those leaves of those little trees. The cat went out from behind that bush, starting with the right food and when it came out, you saw what it really is---a black cat. You looked at the cat's big green eyes then you suddenly remember something which made your relieved self nervous and terrified: today is Friday the Thirteenth. Your heart beat is fast as a racing horse. 'No way', you said on your mind. You closed your eyes and imagined yourself in the middle of that dark, foggy forest surrounded by little elves who have angry faces and sharp spears and chanting 'Matar La'.

Do you believe in superstitions? Those beliefs of others that tells you the good and bad luck? Do you ever see yourself in the situation above wherein you got surrounded by little angry elves with spears chanting 'Matar La' continuously which is the Spanish of 'Kill It'? Let's put it this way, if ever you're driving your car to your work for an important meeting (in the future for some) and you see a black cat crossing the street, what will you do: will you back out because you think there will be bad luck that'll happen that day or will you still continue and not mind whatever luck that black cat brings or if it ever bring some luck? If you say 'I'll go back because this is bad luck", I'm sure it will surely be bad luck because, what if what you're doing that day is presenting something to the your clients and that will change your company's direction forever in a good way? What if you'll get promoted that day? What if, in that day, you will be the greatest? If that's the case, I'll prefer doing the latter one because I won't be able to miss any chance: may it be a chance to win or a chance to be disappointed to myself. Everything in your life makes sense and don't try to avoid all the crosses that will come to your way because you definitely learn from your mistakes. That is one cliche line, I know, but that's true: in every mistake, there's a lesson, in every action, there's a reason so don't try to avoid the possibilities may it be good or bad. Don't give up, I'm telling you, because holding on to what is better will surely lead you to a good thing and your mistakes makes you stronger. But I'm not telling you to not believe in superstitions, just be yourself even if you think you're the worse person on Earth, don't forget, our mistakes is what makes us human.

So celebrating Halloween early (to not be too mainstream like the others next issue and this issue), we'll give you some horror creeps on this superstitious September. Good luck!

Also, don't forget to smile and be yourself as the school year starts. Don't mind the mean people and the popular crowd because as Ke$ha says, "We R Who We R".

Wishing you the best,

Sapphire G.

Spazzy Magazine September 2013Where stories live. Discover now