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                Nash found me a little bit later sitting in one of the pews at the center's chapel. He sat beside me. I didn't look his way.


I sighed heavily. "How did you find me?"

"Alessio said you'd be here...I'm sorry...and he is too."

"It's fine."

"I wish you'd quit saying that. Everything is obviously not fine and if you think it is you're lying to yourself."

"Well what do you want me to say Nash? That I thought everything would be better if Alessio was out of the Mafia and your investigation was over? That I could have a normal life? That when I introduced him to my father I did so thinking he was my love, the man I was going to marry and if I had any hopes of my father walking me down the aisle with Alessio at the end they had to meet? No, everything is more screwed up than before. Now I have no job, all I do is sit next to Alessio while he yells at me and the nurses and everyone else within ear shot, that my best friend is going to end up down the exact same path as I am and I could've told her and stopped it a long time ago? My dad is dead, Alessio hates everyone, me especially, I've hardly talked to my best friend in weeks and you're gone. And you know what else, I will be soon too."

He straightened immediately face clouding over with concern. "What are you talking about?" He sounded instantly concerned and took my hand in his. "Don't do anything rash Kate. These are all temporary problems, you'll be okay. I promise you that."

"We're moving." I blurted out and he seemed instantly relieved.

"Maybe a change of scenery would be good for you guys."

"We're leaving the country."

His expression changed from hopeful to shock. "What?"

"Yep. Good ole Italy. Going to live with his parents. They'll have all of his rehabilitation done right from their home and once he's up to it we'll go out on our own I guess." If we made it that long. As it stood now, he hardly spared me a glance. Not that I blamed him. If he hadn't been shot, if he wasn't sitting in a hospital bed with little hope of being able to chase me off, would he have let me stay? Would he have killed me himself?

"You're leaving?"

I nodded. "Timing couldn't be worse, could it? Poor Sam is going to be all alone..."

"Maybe you should wait a few weeks..."

"I've already talked to him about it. He doesn't want me to change anything, doesn't think Dad would have wanted me to either. He wants me to go."

"What do you want?"

"I want this, it's what's best for Alessio and his recovery and-"

"Kate. What do you want?"

I stared at Nash for several moments quietly before standing. "Why do you have to always ask the worst questions?" I started out of the chapel and Nash followed me.

"Someone has to ask. You obviously won't take it into consideration on your own." He followed me out.

I whirled around to face him. "Fine! I don't want to go. Are you happy now? But it's what I have to do. I agreed, I'd do anything if he lived and anything to get him out of the mafia, that we'd both leave everything behind but each other. That's what needs to be done to keep him safe and happy."

Kissing The Moon Goodbye - A Midnight Mafia NovelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin