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              I woke up slow and groggy. The way you do after a late night binge, after taking too many cold pills the night before, after your car explodes and sends you flying through the air. You know normal stuff.

When my eyes focused on the surrounding area I jerked upwards but was stopped by cuffs, one around my wrist and one around a cast on my other wrist. "What the fὑck?" I yelled. Hospital. I was in a hospital. Or maybe a hospital wing in the estate. Who knows, all I knew was I didn't want to be here.

"You're awake!"

My attention turned to Silvano, I would have liked to of asked him when he got in, but instead I pulled like a maniac against the restrains on my arms and kicked my feet like a toddler. "Why am I restrained?" I demanded and all the jerking about sent a harsh stabbing pain into my head.

With a phone to his ear Silvano answered me. "Alessio said you'd freak out when you woke up so he made sure they restrained you."

"Let me go! Oh my God, I need to get this thing out!" I gasped looked to the IV in my hand. Had they done it on the inside of my elbow I might have been able to reach the wire with my mouth. Bastards. "And all these wires, oh, oh God."

"Yeah...he said you'd probably try to rip them out too." He muttered and then perked up instantly. "She's awake sir. Just now sir. Yes, yes of course Don." He hung up and turned back to me. "You're going to hurt yourself. Stop that."

I was freaking out. There was no stopping a woman once she was in freak out mode. Nope, I was too far gone, hyperventilating, machines beeping angrily and frantically at me only making my panic worse. And oh my God, the smell. I couldn't even stand the distinct hospital like smell.

Silvano clearly didn't know what to do, and luckily Alessio arrived to save the day in no time. Pulling the restrains off in seconds and cupping my cheeks before I had any time to start yanking wires free. "Breathe baby." I put my hands on top of his and he put his forehead to mine. "Just breathe." He muttered.

"The last thing I remember-"

The night did not formulate as one cohesive night, it was as though it was playing on an old movie projector, slow and blurry, with pieces blacking out randomly. I remembered my necklace fell, a disembodied hand, Nash, Mia in the bathtub with me and Stacey at the side, Mia in Nash's shirt, Nash holding me, Nash carrying me, doctor, sedation, I'd woken briefly to shouting, Nash had punched Alessio and now this.

"It's okay. Everything is okay." He assured me softly smoothing my hair. I was probably a mess, I couldn't remember if the girls had brushed it. "A car blew up. You hit your head. You are okay." He said this so casually I almost brushed it off myself but then I lifted my hand to feel my head and was reminded of the IV in my hand and this time I did pull it out before anyone had the chance to stop me.

"Oh." I said watching blood dribble excessively from the small hole. "Maybe I shouldn't have-"

"No probably not." He agreed and Silvano put a handful of tissues to it. "Keep pressure on that." Alessio instructed and moved my hand on top of the bundle of tissues.

"Why did Nash punch you?"

"Difference of opinions." He said simply and stood up. With little investment in the situation at hand I started taking all the medical provisions off, wires and cuffs and whatever else they were trying to monitor me with. Machines started beeping at us but I paid them no mind.

Kissing The Moon Goodbye - A Midnight Mafia NovelWhere stories live. Discover now