Lovely Decent

14 2 0

In the abyss,
I can here them calling.
Calling for me.
Offering help,
And kindness,
And love.
All things I wish to have.
I stand at the edge,
Staring down.
There is nothing.
But I see lights.
And bright.
Dancing and waving.
Waving to me.
I reach a hand foreword,
And I feel them brush me.
I feel it flow through me,
Whatever it is.
I can see smiles,
Hear laughter.
Taunting me.
Daring me to jump.
Telling me promises,
Promises broken before.
I take a single step,
And jump.
I can feel them flowing,
Billowing around,
Like a sail in the wind.
A blanket,
Hugging me.
I close my eyes,
And I smile.
Down into my abyss.
Where I am loved,
And I can be happy.
Where promises are kept,
And my heart isn't broken.
They call my name,
Whisper sweet nothingness.
And I believe them.
I trust them.
And I can feel my Earthly ties,
They are being broken.
Snipped by invisible scissors,
Setting me free.
And leaving me to a
Lovely Decent

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