Where the Sun touched the Moon

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The grass there never grew
Where the sun touched the moon
When life would come
No one ever knew
"Soon" they would say
But soon never came
Never was the same as soon
Where the sun touched the moon

The people there smiled,
And lay silent,
Like all people do
But there was no night
Nor day
Where the sun touched the moon

Stars scattered across the sky
Clouds blanketed above
Light and dark
Yet no dark nor light
Where the sun touched the moon

Time was never told well
Now was now
Then was then
Later will be later
And soon never came
Where the sun touched the moon

The people there heard stories of places where there was
Early into the morning
And late into the night
And they dreamed of one day
That they too
Could have these things
But dreams never came true
Where the sun touched the moon

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