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The Duke of Devonshire's stare was very vacant. In fact too much as if the man who once stood at the doorway suddenly turned to stone! For the first time in his life, he was at a loss for words. Esther spoke! How did she manage to? Since when? Did she speak to Emma before? To his mother, the Lady Emilia? What were her words? He wanted to give a compliment for Esther's accomplishment, but his mouth did not permit him to. He simply stood there like an unlit lamp post.

Esther came to him, laid her hands on both his arms, and searched his eyes. He only looked at her still, utterly shocked by this contrivance. She opened her mouth but closed it once more before opening it again. No words came out, and she bit her bottom lip in visible frustration before getting her pad and pen. But as soon as she took hold of these things, so immediate also that she put them back. She held the duke's arms once again, bowed her head and closed her eyes. After a short while, she had her eyes on him again. Her mouth opened and closed- no words. It was no sooner that angry tears came out, but she did not let them flow. What was she trying to do?

Esther looked at the stupefied duke instead before laying one of her hands on her chest. An endearing and passionate glow was in her dark brown pools. The duke noticed it become glassy once more, but no tear dared fall. From her chest, Esther lifted her hand and placed it gently on the duke's before gracing him with her voice once more.

"Seth." she said.

The duke's eyes grew wide in understanding. It was very visible in those dark brown orbs. She wanted him to know how she was feeling towards him. Not through writing but by spoken words. She wanted to talk to him, but could not do so, and it frustrated her. But nevermind that failure! She tried hard for him, and that was a huge enough event that proved her deep regard for the man called Seth.

He did not move a muscle, and Esther slowly removed her skinship from him to get her pad and pen. No! She had it wrong. The woman might have thought that he did not understand her actions! The duke could not help but feel a gush of overflowing emotions of happiness and nervousness that filled his chest full. All was clear now! It was no time to be an unmoving and unfeeling stone! She had removed all worries in his heart.

And as Esther began to scribble words, the duke had cupped her cheeks in his hands and his lips crashed to hers. And it was no sooner that this sudden uncouth want to taste her became an immediate addiction. She loved him like he does her. There is nothing more to misunderstand. Cavendish's head felt very light and blank as he pinned his beloved on the nearest wall, his once gentle kisses increasing in strength. He pressed his body on hers, feeling the need to be even closer to her. He did not want her to go anywhere again- to leave him. Esther's arms were folded on his chest, and this was getting in the way. He needed to get closer, to feel her. So he held her wrists and stretched her arms so that they would lean on his shoulder before inching in some more so his chest was against hers. The duke gave a low groan when Esther chose to lay her hands on his hair! If only she knew what this small action has done to him! He wanted to taste her even more, thus his tongue began sliding in her mouth. At this, Esther flinched and, tragically, broke the fervent kiss, leaving the duke to chase her lips as she looked to the ground, panting.

He went too far.

"Esther," he began in a whisper, "forgive me. My mind could think of nothing else but you, and I terrified you. (He planted a kiss on her head before wrapping his arms around her) I am sorry. I am extremely sorry."

Esther, who slowly broke away from his arms, managed to write him a reply, although a bit wobbly. It said thus;

'It was only that I want to trust your actions to be true.'

Tears formed in the eyes of the writer, but she scribbled on.

'You see, I have heard rumors about you even before we met.'

The duke flinched in fear for this conversation's destination might be something...tragic.

'I admit that it made me a bit scared to face such a man. But I have gotten to know him without my knowledge. And so when he decided to tell me who he truly was, I did not mind. He was the same man nonetheless. The very same one that I lost my heart to.'

"Oh, my dear Esther I-"

But, without looking at the duke, she scribbled on.

'You see, he was the first person outside my family who has comforted me, without prejudice, in that manner so consoling and gentle, that showed me what it was like to feel special despite my impediment. I am in love with you, dear Seth. I thought it was fine to be like this even if the feelings were not mutual...'

The duke had stopped reading at the sight of such words. Not mutual? Where in the world did she get the idea?

"Why do you judge so poorly how I feel, Esther?" he complained. "Did you not feel it with my touch? Was I not honest enough?"

These words were all that it took to kneel Esther to the ground in a yowl. The tears flowed like a river from her eyes, and it was a heart breaking sight for the duke, so the man in love immediately knelt before her in an attempt to console. Finally, all that she held in her heart has come out.

"Dearest Esther." The duke whispered, cupping Esther's cheek and leveling his head with hers so that they can see eye to eye. "When you told me of your secret, I comforted you because I feel for you. When you were lost, I searched every corner of England because I missed you. And when I kissed you, I felt that this woman who was before me was the future duchess of Devonshire."

The still-sobbing lady scribbled the much-needed words to explain her situation.

'Forgive me, Seth, for disregarding your emotions. I have offended you. I was only afraid- terrified -of my emotions. And the thought of you feeling the same as I seemed so far away. Even this event here is very etheral.'

By Jove! This is amusing. She felt that this was etheral. They are mutual indeed. Just the thought of her kissing him back just a while ago was an imagination that came to life! But it seemed like Fate was being too kind to him tonight, for Esther wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest. Bliss. This must be how it truly felt like. It was something one did not wish to end. He was sure now. This lady is the future Duchess of Devonshire. And so kneeling down on one knee, as every man does, he requested Esther to grant him a wish.

"I will be the happiest of men if you marry me, Esther. Will you grant me the honor of being my wife?"

Now it was Esther who stared blankly at him. Indeed it is very improper for a lady to gape at a man. He thought. The duke, chuckled at the lady's reaction. "Is that a yes, dear?" he teased while Esther wiped the tears that fell by itself down her cheek before nodding her head in affirmation.

"Oh, my duchess is such a cry baby!" he teased even more after he stood up and hugged his crying beloved who in return banged her fist lightly on his chest in an attempt to scold his words.

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