c h a p t e r 2 0 : c h a n c e s

259 29 5

S a m

"It was like a time bomb set into motion. We knew that we were destined to explode." - Time Bomb, All Time Low

Don't shut me out.

Please, listen.

Give me another chance

To prove you wrong

To prove myself wrong.

That maybe we can work.

That maybe

Maybe we are worth it after all.


I watch as Lou and two other girls head up the stairs from the beach and onto the concrete pavement. I'm doubt she even wants to see me again. I did make a complete fool of myself during our date, outing, whatever that was, after all.

She must hate me by now, if not already.

I should leave before she sees me. I wouldn't want things to get tensed between us.

You're finally making.

Took you long enough.

I am just about to take off when Lou stops in her tracks, staring right at me, horrified. I freeze, wishing I could turn back the clock and leave the moment I spotted her out here in the first place. Why did I wait so long? Now I'll have to face her and explain myself.

Maybe I should run, get myself out of this mess before it even begins.

I just wish there was a way to tell her, to show her, exactly how I feel.

There's no point denying how I feel about her. It's too strong, too overwhelming. It's most definitely there. Does Lou feel the same way? Is she pushing it away as well?

Do you even know what that feeling implies?

Is it really what you think it is, or is it just a part of your imagination?

"Sam," she says cautiously as she approaches me, trailing behind her companion, seeming reluctant, forcing a smile.

"Hi, Lou. I would ask you how you're doing, but we only just saw each other a couple of hours ago," I reply, trying to sound light, hoping some humour will be enough to distract her.

"Is this the guy you like?" the brunette asks Lou.

She's certainly not afraid to point something out. I wish I could be like that.

"Hi. I'm Ria, Lou's schoolmate," she introduces, extending a hand.

Her long, dark brown hair is tied up in a messy wet bun. Judging by the white towel draped on her right shoulder, I'd say she just went for a swim. Her hazel green eyes are alight with joy and peace. She seems like a nice person. I'm sure she's a good friend to Lou.

Something you'll never be.

I shake it. "Nice to meet you. I'm Sam."

"So I've heard." She pauses. "I vaguely remember Lou saying something about wanting to avoid you?" she comments, directing it more at Lou than me.

I chuckle nervously. "Well, it's a small town," I reply sheepishly, averting my gaze to the ground.


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