29. Regret and Retribution

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Liam felt sick. He'd tried so hard to cut the ties with the moral agony he was going through, but he just couldn't do it, not completely. They had gathered in the forest at the backs of the little town, so like Breckenridge with those white picket fences and quaint little houses. It could have just been his imagination, but he thought it looked a little more reserved, closed off. Maybe that's how they'd survived so long.

Mike had been the first to disappear, melting into the streetlight amber lights. Minutes later, the drone of humming electricity cut out like someone had pulled the plug on it. It wasn't long before Mike re-appeared. He shrugged, his face set and unreadable.

"Done," he said. Then, "How the hell are we going to get them to come out into the open?"

Liam couldn't tell what Mike was thinking, what anyone was really thinking. He couldn't be the only one who was reluctant to do this, right? There had to be some humanity in these guys somewhere. Ana touched her nose knowingly, pointing with a dainty, lethal finger at Derek.

"Just as we've discussed," she reminded.

"We can't do much until we know the plan, Ana," Mike complained.

The night that had fallen was so dark and absolute that Liam felt the hair rise on his arms. There was a reason he'd stuck so close to the city- it was never truly dark. The darkness reminded him of that night, and this was far too close to memory for him to be comfortable.

"Relax," Ana snarled at him. "Abduction," she said. "There's nothing better to draw wolves out of their homes than taking one of their pups."

Liam clamped his mouth shut, shaking his head. He paced for a moment, trying to keep himself in line. Then he thought, to hell with it. "You cowards," he growled. "You sick, sadistic cowards."

"Watch it," Derek warned, entering his space, a sneer on his face.

"Or what?" Liam spat. He took a step toward Ana's second-in-command until they were toe to toe. "You'll waste me too?"

"You'll wish I had."

"Stop it!" Ana yelled.

The boys leveled stares, jaws clenched, and refused to back down. Liam quirked an eyebrow at the bigger guy, as if daring him to start something.

"You cocky son of a-" Derek pointed an angry finger at Liam.

"Derek!" Ana pushed between them, shoving them apart with enough force to remind them who was in charge. "He'll get his. Go and get the girl so we can finish this and get out of here."

Derek stared at her for a second longer, then conceded.


Liam's blood boiled as Derek disappeared. He'd never been one for retribution but he would gladly take on any one of these psychopaths. If only he had the chance.

Liam could only catch the white-fanged flash of Ana's in the moonlight, paired with the crackling of bones in her jaw. She may not have known it, but Liam could tell that she was losing it. Even so, he shut his mouth and tried to keep still. He hated having to watch his every step with this perverted rendition of a pack. There was supposed to be trust, close-bonds and comfort- not this desperate, rag-tag band of people willing to damn others to keep their own hearts beating. Setting his jaw, Liam waited.

Derek was taking too long.

Electric tension strung everyone even tighter, eyes flashing toward Ana, looking for reassurance. Though her fair face was set with grim determination and strength, Liam could see her fraying at the edges. It was in the twitch of her shoulders, the grinding of her teeth, the tapping of a finger against her thigh.

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