Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Did you call the taxi?" Black asked as he navigated back towards Los Angeles, over the ridge of hills that separated the San Fernando Valley from the city.

"Damn. I knew I was supposed to do something..." Roxie said, and put the phone down. Black was used to it - it was her way of signaling that she was annoyed at a question. He waited a few seconds and then she picked it back up. "Of course I did."

"Great. And have you got anything on the numbers I gave you?"

"Not yet. But I did get a hit on one of your movie dirtbags. Seems like he's got a rap sheet for petty crimes. Reads more like a con man and a dope fiend than anything. Typical Sunset Strip bottom feeder."

Black sighed. He'd already forgotten about Jared. "What have you got?"

"Looks like a home address. Actually, not that far from your place. Maybe eight blocks away. Like minds..."

"Spare me the insults before lunchtime. Which one is it, and what's the address?"

"Reginald Calper. The one you scribbled 'Preacher' next to." Roxie gave him the address.

"Okay, got it. I'll go by and pay him a visit."

"So no chai for me today, either. No wonder Mugsy hates you."

"What does me not getting you chai have to do with Mugsy? And I thought you said he doesn't hate me."

"I just said that so you wouldn't hold it against him. He's protective of me, and knows when you're subjugating me."


"Oppressing. Keeping me down."

"I'm not subjugating you."

"Classic misogynist. In denial."

"I'm not a misogynist, although you certainly have me thinking about becoming one..."

"At least you're open to accepting it. They say that admitting you have a problem is the first step."

"I'm not admitting anything. You're inventing this. I'm not a misogynist."

"He said angrily," Roxie quipped.

Black took a deep breath. "I'm not angry."

"Sure thing, Mr. Hothead. Just don't come into the office and hit me."

"I've never hit you."


"Roxie? I'm going to hang up now. Is there anything else?"

"Misogynist, violent and angry, and now dismissive. Why am I not surprised?"

"Will you call me when you get something on the phone records?"

"Your mom and dad stopped by."

Black pulled onto the freeway, having to fight his way on after being blocked by an older woman in a Buick, the Eldorado stuttering as it strained up the incline of the hill.

"Are you just trying to ruin my day?"

"They really did. I thought they were sweet."

"How did they find my office?"

"Uh, you are in the book."


"Spring and I had a lovely time. Although she's worried because you're not dating."


"She wanted to know if I thought you were gay."


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