Chapter Two - Infection Overload

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Chapter Two

Infection Overload

I stood near the door waiting. People argued behind the large desk, while others were freaked out. I still had no idea what was going on. Nobody would give me straight answers and the nurse who Becca bit had not come back yet. While they were busy I slowly slunk more into the doorway of Becca's room. She lay there strapped to the bed, struggling to free herself

I inched into the room trying to get a better look at my sister. She turned her head toward me and snapped her teeth. Her mouth was foaming, her skin changed to a greenish-white. She pulled at her arms and legs, desperate to get to me. Or to eat me. I wasn't sure what she wanted to do.

"Becca?" I asked quietly. I didn't want anyone to hear and drag me back out.

She growled. Her fingers were clawing at the air. The person in front of me did not look like my sister. I didn't know who that was. I stood there staring at the strange creature that resembled Becca unsure what to do.

"Are you still in there?" I sat at the foot of the bed just out of her reach. I wanted nothing more than to hug her and tell her everything was going to be okay like she always did for me, but I would be lying to the both of us. I knew things were not okay. She was not okay. I wanted my sister though. I needed her. She was my strength.

Her growl escalated to a snarl.

"I'm sorry. Whatever happened to you; I'm sorry." I cried into my hands.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she lifted her upper body off the bed and slamming it back down. I was terrified watching my older sister act like that. She had always been the calm, rational one in the family. Now she looked like nothing but a mindless monster. I got up and left the room. I couldn't stand to see her like that any longer.

Everything was still in the hallway. It was eerily quiet. A random heart monitor beeped but that was about it. I broke out in a run and made a b-line for a far-off door. My heart thudded as I ran down the hall toward the stairwell. I took the steps two at a time till I hit the main floor. I looked around the corner of the first floor, and casually walked to the exit. The emergency department was next to the main entrance, Emma's nurse had to go there to have her bite looked at. The security guard who was supposed to be at the podium was nowhere to be seen. In fact, all the staff vanished. I thought it was odd, but maybe there was an emergency.

Maybe the nurse went zombie and bit everyone already.

There were people sitting in the waiting area watching television and talking. Nothing to indicate a serious crisis was underway. I casually walked to the front window and knocked on it. Nobody was in the area.

"Hello?" I called through the small hole in the glass.

A door off to the side opened as a guy in all green ran out. I hurried over and stuck my foot in the way before it shut. I squeezed through, staying against the wall. I pulled my badge out of my shirt incase anyone questioned why I was back there. The emergency department was familiar. I'd been back there dozens of times for victims and offenders alike for work. Being a detective took me to a lot of interesting places. Never in this capacity though. After a few very long minutes I looked around the corner and noticed absolutely no staff down the main hall. Puzzled, I walked out and toward where the nursing staff sat. People were in the patient rooms, but none of the health care professionals. I continued walking around until I came to a second desk. I finally saw someone in black scrubs running down the narrow corridor behind it. He was covered in blood. Taken aback, but curious, I circled to the back of the desk. I did a fast walk in the direction he came from. I found the staff. They were all around and in one room. I could hear everyone yelling, and on top of all that someone had let out a horrendous, other worldly snarl. I didn't turn and run. I should have. But I didn't. A doctor emerged from the room, running around looking for something.

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