Chapter 1: Pearson Family Summer Vacation

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Chapter 1: Pearson Family Summer Vacation

Looney POV

I huffed as I fell back onto Tom's bed. I stared up at the ceiling and started counting the bumps, getting to fifty-five before hearing Tom's satisfied humming.

"Tom." I called, pushing myself up to my elbows. He hummed as if he were listening, but I knew he was just going to tune me out as soon as I started talking.

"Toooom." I sang, but he kept typing away. I sighed and stood up, dragging my feet over to his desk chair. I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders from behind, I gripped his shirt in my hands. He stopped typing and sighed, turning his head to look at me.

"Loon," he rocked from side to side, "I can't do this with you clinging to me."

I groaned and hung onto him, nuzzling his neck.

"Love meeeeee." I whined. He sighed and shook his head, reaching around and pulling me into his lap. It's not what you think, we aren't together. I was just really affectionate towards people, seriously. But I also cling to people for warmth, I am freezing cold most of the time. My teeth chatter and I shiver constantly, that's why Tom always gets me a new hoodie during any gift-giving holiday, including my birthday.

Tom sighed and continued typing. He had hacked into the school's network so that he could change his grades, I sighed. We were juniors in high school already and yet, Tom still couldn't let go of his slight obsession with being "cool."

I pulled the hood of my hoodie up and over my head, pulling my arms out of my sleeves, hugging myself as Tom worked.

"We're screwed." I said randomly, letting my head hang off the arm of Tom's desk chair.

"We aren't." Tom argued, paying me no mind.

"We arrrrre. There's no escaping it. I bet you're gonna get caught, and then my parents will kill me." I groaned.

"What? Why would your parents kill you? I'm the one doing the hacking, here." Tom countered, glancing down at his lap where I was currently sprawled.

"Guilty by association. Ugh, why don't you just work for the grade? You're practically a genius. What is this bull that's running through your head? This plan of yours," I paused, gesturing to the computer. "Is crap. I hate to say it, but it is not one of your better ideas."

Tom rolled his eyes but did not stop. I sighed and rolled my head to the side, just in time to see Tom's window sliding up. By itself. I started poking Tom. He batted my hand away but I persisted.

"Hey, Tom?"

"What?" He asked, annoyed at me. I simply pointed to his window.

"Does your window always open by itself or?"

Tom spun the chair around to look at his window which was still sliding open. I watched in curiosity.

"Maybe it's an alien." I shrugged, Tom however was not as calm as I was. He started breathing heavy and I raised my brows, waiting for the big reveal. Bethany's head popped up and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, it's just you." I said, pulling myself off of Tom's lap.

"How disappointing." I muttered. Bethany glared at me before blowing her boyfriend a kiss. Tom joined her at the window as I plopped down on his bed and started pulling my converse on.

"I don't get it. What do you see in that guy?" Tom questioned Bethany.

"Yeah, your boyfriend's pretty disgusting. How do you get past all of... that?" I added, shuddering in disgust at the thought of her boy toy, Ricky. Bethany spouted off some crap about how Ricky was hot, sweet, funny and ridiculously athletic.

"You mean disgustingly disgusting." I said in a 'duh' tone of voice. Tom laughed, I grinned at him and stood up.

"Hasta mañana, Tom. I gotta pack." I grinned, fist bumping him as I exited the room. I walked down the hallway, Hannah ran past me causing me to move to the side to let her pass. Just as I was about to continue walking, Mr. Pearson walked up calling Tom in an angry tone of voice.

"Okayy, see you tomorrow Mr. Pearson." I called sarcastically, before making my way downstairs and out of the Pearson household.

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