Part II.

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Imagine an hourglass. An hourglass always has sand sitting on the bottom of it, unless you turn it over, right? Well, the hourglass for my life began to turn over one day. The sand, falling carelessly to the other side, because it didn't care that it was taking my precious life away. It didn't have a care at all. All it wanted, all it yearned for, was to fall to the bottom. This was the sand's only job. And I didn't like it.

Time had passed since my parent's passing. A lot of time. I was fully grown now, and all that mattered, was my dream. I was finally going to chase it. Pursue it, and discover worlds unknown. I was excited. And determined. There was no time to waste now. Unfortunately, time was already withering away. And I had no idea.

I was preparing my ship, when it all came crashing down.

At first, there was silence.



Something had hit one of my neighbor's homes. I turned quickly, seeing nothing but flames rise into the air. And nothing but their dying screams rose up with the flames.

Before I realized it, another loud crash had emerged from behind me. With horror, I turned.

It was my own home. My memories. My life.

It suddenly burst into flames. Greedy, dark flames that rose carelessly to the sky, mocking me as I could only stare up from below. It was laughing at me, yelling.

Look at me! Look at me!

I was looking, alright. I couldn't look away. Not until I felt wind of someone running by me, and their terrified scream, telling me to run.

So I did.

I started racing across the plain, following what seemed to be a crowd of now-terrified people. I could feel the heat coursing through my body, my heart, racing, pumping more blood into my body, and my eyes, barely able to see the destruction around me.

What I did see though, was my neighbors and friends, falling around me, either tired from running, or rubble and flames consuming them until they were nothing but ash and memories.

In fact, I was barely even noticing where I was running, and ended up tripping over someone's fallen roof, flying and crashing into the ground painfully, where I felt scrapes and cuts eagerly scratch away at my face. I groaned in pain. Now, all I wanted to do was just lay here, and grieve. Revel in pain. But the pained part of me was telling me to get up again. To run. And never look back.

Sluggishly, I drew myself to my feet, only to leap out of the way of more rubble, rolling into a small crevice between two fallen houses. I didn't even have time to think. I knew I had to get out, and fast. I stood, starting to squeeze through the houses, and saw an open hill in the distance. My ticket to safety. I immediately run towards it, not daring to look back just yet.

Birth of a Time God: The Legend of the OverseerWhere stories live. Discover now