Part III.

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I approached the hill quicker than I expected, and I lunged forward, my fingers digging into the grass and dirt, as I began to heave myself up. My muscles ached during the entire climb. The black skies and ash didn't help either. I let out a few short coughs as I finally brought myself to the top of the hill, and turned around for the first time.

And I really, really wish I hadn't...

My home. My friends. My family. My life. All gone. Gone up in bitter flames. There wasn't a single inch left untouched. Only the colors of red, orange and black outstretched before me, as everything I loved turned into nothing.

Unable to process or take this, I sunk to the ground, onto my knees, and just sat there, dumbfounded. I stared.. 

And stared.. 

And stared... 

My entire body, slowly going numb, and a lump building in my throat. I couldn't cry though. I was too tough for that.

Of all places, it had to be home.. Of all people, it had to be me.. And of all worlds, it had to be mine... My world... Gone. And gone. And gone. Never to return into my arms again...

Then... Well, I don't remember much. 

But I do remember it

The spark. 

My own flame igniting from within my heart, mind and soul.

I slowly rose to my feet, the numbness fading, the sadness washing away. I stared straight at the flames now, with only one thing on my mind.

This wasn't an accident.


I knew the difference between an accident...

And an attack...

And this was no ordinary attack...

This was a murder.

I've never been fond of killing. I've always hated it, and avoided it when I could. I didn't like imagining my enemy's blood all over my hands. It wasn't right. It just wasn't right. Yet, whoever did this to my home, surely didn't mind this factor. And it made me angry.

It was also then, at this moment, that I swore to never let anyone be hurt again. I wouldn't let anyone die again, not without my body in the way to take that bullet. I wouldn't let anyone suffer the same way I did just now. And I certainly wouldn't let them see another tragedy again.

No. Not while I was around.

I was going to save people. I was going to travel to different worlds, different times, I dare say, and save people. And nobody was going to stop me.

Behind me, I heard the achingly familiar creaking noise erupt over my thoughts. I turned, and saw her. She must've known what I was thinking, because she looked ready to go. Her doors had opened for me, inviting me inside, and I stepped into her marvelous light, approaching her console, and immediately getting her ready for take-off.

"Come on, girl," I muttered. "We got work to do."

Birth of a Time God: The Legend of the OverseerWhere stories live. Discover now