dos // zayn malik

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Zayn's POV

This day had come much sooner than I expected, not that I was doubting my decisions, I was just nervous out of my mind. And it's weird though, I'm perfectly fine and confident while performing in front of thousands, millions of people, but I was shaking out of my damn skin about walking down an aisle. Was I regretting anything? No, of course not. I love Bethany with all of my heart and soul, and I want to be with her for the rest of my life. We've been through so much together, rumors, haters, crazed fangirls. She's so strong and I admire her so much, she's suffered through so much hate but she's always put on a brave face, and just kept moving on. I remembered back to what seemed like forever ago, when we first met. I was running to find a place to hide from a few crazed fans, when I turned a corner to run straight into a 18 year old girl. I had knocked her into the ground and took her the hospital to find out she had a concussion and a broken arm. Great first meeting, right? 

The door creaked open and Harry's dark head of curls poked through the door, "5 minutes. You good?". He walked into the spacious dressing room. But I could only pace back and forth, what if I mess up the vows? What if I trip and fall? Whatever is said about only the girls only panicking and getting nervous, is a load of crap.

"Hey hey, calm down." Niall's Irish twang echoed throughout the room. "What if I mess up, Niall? This is our special day, I don't want to mess it up for her." He put a hand on my shoulder, pausing my pacing. "You'll be fine, you two love eachother so much, anything that happens won't change anything." I smiled appreciatively at him. "Thanks lad". 

Liam swung open the door, "It's showtime, boys." 

I took a deep breath, in and out. This will be perfect.

Bethany's POV

I have literally never been more nervous, than in this moment. I've been sent thousands of death threats, I was mailed a beheaded barbie. Tons of scary shit has happened, but I've never been this panicky. "Lorie, can you check my dress again?" Lorie, one of my bridesmaids, stepped forward, "Bethany, you're absolutely fine. You look gorgeous". Tears began forming at her eyes again. My other bridesmaids, Hailey, Olivia and Hannah all surrounded me into a team huddle. "This is going to be 100% perfect!" Olivia said. We all nodded, "Three, two, one!" A laughter choked out of me, we've been doing this since middle school, and some things just never change.

One of the wedding organizers, stepped into the room, "Ladies, it's time". 

"Honey, you look so beautiful." My dad whispered to me, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "I love you, dad". We stood there, waiting in front of the door, for our turn to walk down the aisle. First, it was Hailey and Louis, then, Olivia and Liam, Lorie and Harry, and then Hannah and Niall. And As Hannah and Niall were queued to start walking, my dad and I stepped up. 

"And Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for, Bethany Yung, the bride!" Loud clapping echoed around the large room.

A Thousand Years by Christina Perri, began playing out of the loud speakers. This song was our song, it represented our relationship, all the hardships we've been through, the ups and downs, it was all here. It was the first song we danced to, the song he sings for me to sing me to sleep, the song he sings to make me feel better. Step by step, down the aisle. Lux the little flower girl throwing petals into the path before us. 

But there was only one thing I really cared about in this moment, and that was the man in front of me. I could only see him, he looked so handsome in his suit. Black suited him quite well. His gaze connected to mine and all we could see was eachother. There was no worry about tripping down the aisle in my ridiculously high heels. We had each other and everything was perfect. Step by step towards the most important person in my life. 

I could barely hear what the priest was saying, all I could do was stare into the beautiful eyes of the man who stood before me. 

"Now, for their vows." The priest took a step back to allow Zayn to take out his paper, his handwriting scrawled across the index card. 

"I, Zayn Malik, take you, Bethany Yung, to be my lawfully wedded wife, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I swear to be with you every step of the way, dance beside you, lay beside you, raise a family with you. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live." 

I could've been crying, I wasn't sure. All I cared about was him, us. Our future. Zayn looked into my eyes, and slowly took my hand and slid the ring onto my ring finger. I can't imagine what my life would be like without him. Without him to be there to support me whenever, to comfort me while crying. 

I took my index card from a little crevice tucked in my dress. 

"I Bethany Yung, take you Zayn Malik to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you wherever you may be, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the many obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, my trust, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live." 

I grasped his large hand softly and slid his ring onto his ring finger. 

"Zayn Malik, you may now kiss the bride!" I giggled, as Zayn pulled me into him, and pressed his lips sweetly against mine. Loud clapping and whistling exploded in the room, and I laughed loudly into Zayn's neck. "Bethany, you don't even know how much I love you", Zayn whispered into my ear, his smile stretching across his face. By now, tears were running down my face, "I love you , I love you so much" I said back. I could barely believe it, he was my husband now. Out of all the millions of girls he could have, I was married to him, he loved me. He chose me.


"Zayn! Where are we going? I thought we were heading towards the airport!" I laughed loudly, as Zayn wrongly exited the highway. Zayn and I were heading to the airport for our honeymoon in Italy. "It's a surprise baby!" Zayn said, with a mischevous smile across his face. 

"Oh my god Zayn!" I laughed loudly as we pulled into the drivethrough of Taco Bell. My absolute favorite fast food place. As we pulled into the first window, a teenage girl was on the job. Her jaw dropped open, "OMG! You-you're Zayn Malik!! OMG and Bethany, you guys are the absolute cutest couple ever!" A smile spread across my face, glad we came in contact with a shipper instead of a hater. "Hi love, you want a photo?" Zayn asked, happily. The girl nodded estatically, and I smiled, watching my boyfrie-husband, being kind to his fans. 

"So what do you guys want?" The girl asked, a wide smile on her face. Zayn spoke for, "She'd like a Doritos Locos Taco, and a Double Chocolate Chip Frappucino". 


so this was for my girl Lisel, @primuhdonna hope you enjoy it xx, and ok we're just gonna pretend that taco bell sells double chocolate chip frapps, kay? sorry this took a while c:

if you wanna one shot just request one!

lots of love - blessing

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